Field transfer definitions

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Field transfer definitions

A field transfer command takes the form:

D field = field,

DC cvar[(substring)] = field,

DM mvar = field,

For the first definition above the contents of the field are copied to the new field. Up to 128 cols at a time can be copied by this definition. If the variable is a field, the contents of the second field are moved into the first field, replacing the original contents. No modification to the contents takes place in the transfer. The number of data locations in the fields must be the same. The fields may overlap without altering the transfer.

For the second definition above the field is copied to the cvar. The field must contain only valid alphanumeric characters; unrecognised multi-punches will be saved as '?'. Note that the length of the cvar is the number of data locations in the field. Substring may only be used on a second or subsequent definition of the cvar.

For the third definition above only the ’1’ numbers in the field are copied to the mvar. Note that the length of the mvar is the number of data locations in the field.

Examples of field transfer definition commands:

dc $name=$341-380,

dc $name(1:4)=$231-234,

d $501-580=$201-280,


Examples of field transfer definition to mvar commands:

d $501-510=’0010100001’,

dm $multi=$501-510,

This example will set the third, fifth and tenth items in the mvar to true, the other 7 to false.

The following will do the same as the above; only ’1’ characters are accepted as true:

d $501-510=’AB1C1 FG1’,

dm $multi=$501-510,