Column binary data output

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Column binary data output

You can output column binary data whenever required in a Data Stage using the PUNCH command. You may specify that all cards are to be output (which means all buffers specified excluding buffer 0), or you may specify an individual card, or you may specify no card at all (in which case $1-80 is output). This CL script reads in three cards (two of which are optional) and outputs a fixed 3 card set for every record:

start control,,,

finish control,

start data,

serial number in 3-9,

card numbers 1,/2/,/3/ in column 1,

! changes may be made to the cards


! the serial and card numbers are set in

! cards 2 and 3 in case they were not

! present

d $203-209=$103-109,

d $201='2',

d $303-309=$103-109,

d $301='3',

punch $101-180,

punch $201-280,

punch $301-380,

finish data,