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A CL function call consists of a reserved name preceded by a % sign and followed by an argument list in parentheses.
Invoking a CL function causes a value to be computed from one or more arguments specified. Functions are called in arithmetic expressions and table manipulation definitions; the value computed is placed in the appropriate variable or table cell(s).
Examples of variable definitions using functions:
dw $wtan=%atan($wval),
di $ilen=%clen($cname),
di $fixed=%round($float/4)+12
dw $wtop=(2.0*%max($i3,$w4*2,20.0))+%min($w5,10.0),
dw $wsum=%tsum(#1(r1-4,c0)),
dw $mhigh=%wmax($i1,$i2,$i3,$i4),
Examples of table manipulation using functions:
mt #1=%sqrt(#1),
mt #3(c1,r1-$)=%rnk(#4(c1,r1-$)),
mt #2(r1-$)=%tex(0.0,5.0,'Low'),
mt #6=%tneg(100.0,999999.9),
mt #34a1=%tval(0.000001,9999999.9,1.0),
mt #15a=%trun(#15b),
Following is a list of CL functions: