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The maximum length for PP names is 30 characters.

The maximum number of PP indices is 10 thousand.

The maximum number of items in all data sets combined is 250 thousand.

The maximum depth for nested loops is 20.

The maximum number of used columns from a database file is 256.

The maximum number of characters stored as text into an index is 2 thousand.

The maximum depth for nested inserts is 20.

The combined maximum number of characters in full path names all insert files is 20 thousand.

The maximum depth for nested parentheses in a PP arithmetic is 10.


The maximum length for variable names is 30 characters.

The maximum number of items (responses) in a single-coded (svar) or multi-coded (mvar) variable is 30000.

The maximum length of a character variable (cvar) is 2000 characters.

The maximum number of items (including headers and over-headers) in a variable label is 50 thousand.

The maximum number of characters in a variable label is 1 million.

The maximum number of individual format settings in a label is 50 thousand.

Go to and if

The maximum length for GOTO destination names (labels) is 8 characters.

The maximum number of IF/UL commands in one stage is 2 million.


The maximum number of characters or columns per line in data files is 350000.

For data as cards, the maximum number of cards is 999 and maximum columns per card is 99 (usually 80).

The maximum number of records is 100 million.

The maximum number of 16 bit words for variable data is 200 thousand per record.

Number of 16 bit words allocated for temporary variables is 10 thousand unless a TEMPORARY command is used.

The maximum size of raw data file is 2 Gigabytes.


The maximum length for table names is 8 characters.  Using ID the maximum length is 30 characters.

The maximum number of rows in a table is 10 thousand.

The maximum number of columns in a table is 1 thousand.

Columns labels on tables are limited to 16 lines after splitting.

The maximum number of different significant markers on a table is 20 thousand.