Relational tests

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Relational tests

Relational tests compare the values of two variables, using one of the six relational operators:

.EQ. equal to

.GT. greater than

.LT. less than

.NE. not equal to

.LE. less than or equal to

.GE. greater than or equal or

The following relational tests are allowed (where relop is one of the above):

col.relop.col                        code comparison (only .EQ. and .NE. allowed)

col.relop.cvar                character comparison

col.relop.literal                character comparison


field.relop.field                code comparison (only .EQ. and .NE. allowed)

field.relop.svar                numeric comparison

field.relop.ivar                numeric comparison

field.relop.wvar                numeric comparison

field.relop.cvar                character comparison

field.relop.cell                numeric comparison

field.relop.literal                character comparison

field.relop.iconstant                numeric comparison


svar.relop.svar                numeric comparison

svar.relop.field                numeric comparison

svar.relop.ivar                numeric comparison

svar.relop.wvar                numeric comparison

svar.relop.cell                numeric comparison

svar.relop.bit                numeric comparison


ivar.relop.svar                numeric comparison

ivar.relop.field                numeric comparison

ivar.relop.ivar                numeric comparison

ivar.relop.wvar                numeric comparison

ivar.relop.cell                numeric comparison

ivar.relop.iconstant                numeric comparison


wvar.relop.svar                numeric comparison

wvar.relop.field                numeric comparison

wvar.relop.ivar                numeric comparison

wvar.relop.wvar                numeric comparison

wvar.relop.cell                numeric comparison

wvar.relop.wconstant        numeric comparison


cvar.relop.col                character comparison

cvar.relop.field                character comparison

cvar.relop.cvar                character comparison

cvar.relop.literal                character comparison


cell.relop.svar                numeric comparison

cell.relop.field                numeric comparison

cell.relop.ivar                numeric comparison

cell.relop.wvar                numeric comparison

cell.relop.cell                numeric comparison

cell.relop.wconstant                numeric comparison


mvar.relop.mvar                bit comparison (only .EQ. and NE. allowed)


In field.relop. the field is treated as an ivar if it is less than 10 columns wide, otherwise it is treated as a wvar.

The entities in character comparisons must be of equal length.

Relational operators LT, GT, LE and GE when used in character comparisons use system functions to compare according to the ASCII collating sequence in use on the computer.

IMPORTANT: U (undefined) is in fact a very large negative number.

Only relational operators EQ and NE are allowed in code comparisons and mvar comparisons. Variables are equal if the same bits (and only those bits) are set in both variables. For mvars only the variables may be different lengths but they will only be equal if all the additional bits are empty.

NOTE: an svar with no bits set is treated as having a value of zero.

Examples of relational tests:









