Text in tables for printing

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Text in tables for printing

Labels describe the text that surrounds tables on the printed page.

Text may actually be stored in the table cells in two different ways - for printing (using %TEX function) and for table look up.

%TEX function

Text may be assigned to cells of a table for printing using the %TEX function.

Any amount of text may be used, but note that the text will only print on a single line. Delimiters may not appear in text for the %TEX function, nor may underline sequences or label controls.

VERY IMPORTANT: do not use CP (Compile and Print) with %TEX.

IMPORTANT: tables modified by %TEX should not be tested for a value nor should table arithmetic be performed on them.

Example of %tex:

mt #15 = %tex(0.0, 4.99, 'Too small'),

which sets all cells of table 15 which have a value between 0.0 and 4.99 to "Too small".

Text for look up

Text can be assigned to a cell of a table for look up by assigning the cell the value of a cvar. The cvar may be up to 8 characters long.

The text assigned is strictly a literal, not text as defined in this chapter.

Tables assigned text in this way can be tested against a literal but no table arithmetic can be performed on them, nor should they be printed (use F=NPTB).

Tables assigned text in this way must be double-precision (defined under F=DBL).

Example of table look up:

t #1(e26) = 'ABCD ',