Companion suite

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Companion suite

See also Program description.

These are the Companion programs:

QPSMR Companion

This is the main program with all the functionality.

Which modules can be used will depend on the licence installed:

No licence

You can use the free modules.

It can also be used instead of Companion Reflect to process Reflect databases.

It can also be used instead of Companion Input to enter data.

Standard licence

This gives access to most of modules in the program.

This licence replaces the old QPSMR Insight program which should no longer be used.

Extended licence

This has all the modules in the standard version, plus some extended facilities which are useful for large projects.

CATI licence

This has all the modules of the extended licence, plus some additional modules for CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing).

This licence replaces the old QPSMR CATI program which should no longer be used.

Companion Reflect

Licence free.

This is a separate program that is used for data analysis and need no licence.

This program replaces the old QPSMR Reflect program which should no longer be used.

It uses a Reflect database produced by Companion, QPSMR CL, or MRDCL.

Both .qrf and .qrfx Reflect databases can be used.

Companion Input

Licence free.

This is a separate program that is only used for data entry and needs no licence.

This program replaces the old QPSMR Input program which should no longer be used for CAPI.

Input uses a file created by the main program to enter data for paper and CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview).

There are two versions:

Windows version

This version is used to enter data on a Windows PC and the data collected is stored locally.

Android version

This version runs on Android devices and uploads the data collected to a central FTP site.

The main Companion program has a facility for downloading and combining the data collected.


This is the Command Language scripting program.

CL processes script (stpx, stp, and stpn) files.

The Companion has a built in preprocessor which will convert a CL script into a preprocessed .stpn file.

The extended version can also be used to run CL scripts.


This is the QPSMR program used to enter CATI data.

It has facilities for sample management, quota control and appointments.

It can be used with the Invade dialling system.