Data drill down toolbars and images

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Data drill down toolbars and images

This describes the meanings of images used in data drill down

32CompanionDialog This shows that you are using a Companion window.

Main Toolbar

32OpenDataFile Open a new data file to analyse.

24ProjectGlobal Change the global tables settings.  These will change all tables produced from now on.

16Weighted Respondent weighting is used to set the respondent weighting entry.  All analysis will use the weighted value of each respondent.  Usually a question called WEIGHT is used for respondent weighting.  Any quantity weights will also be used if requested.

24HideGroups Hide Groups is used to show or hide groups.

24TablesMain Tables mode.  In this mode the program will produce two dimensional tables.  This is the default mode.

24Distinction Distinction mode.  In this mode the program will compare two subsets of the data and produce a list of the questions and responses which show the largest statistically "significant" differences between the two samples.

Selected entries toolbars

24FilterNew Make a new filter to select the records to be used in any analysis.

24EditCut Cut out selected filters to the clipboard .

24FiltersDelete Remove all filters.

24ViewFilteredData View the data records that pass the global filters applied.

Tables analysis toolbar

24ArrowPreviousCol Move to the previous column in the columns list.

24ArrowNextCol Move to the next column in the columns list.

24ArrowPreviousRow Move to the previous row in the rows list.

24ArrowNextRow Move to the next row in the rows list.

24RawCounts When highlighted show the figures in the table. The rim figures will always be shown including the unweighted figures if any weighting has been applied.

24PercentsVertical When highlighted vertical percentages will be shown in the table.

24PercentsHorizontal When highlighted horizontal percentages will be shown in the table.

24ExcelCurrentTable Prepare viewed table for Excel / OpenXML.

24ExcelAllTables Prepare all tables for Excel / OpenXML.

24ExcelView Create the built OpenXML (Excel) spreadsheet file and view the contents.  After use another new spreadsheet file build will be started.

24ExcelDistinct Prepare distinction analysis for Excel / OpenXML.


Entry types

AnswerTypeSingle Single coded entry.

AnswerTypeMulti Multi coded entry.

AnswerTypeInteger Integer  (whole number).

AnswerTypeFloat Float (number including a decimal point.

AnswerTypeCharacter Character (text).

AnswerTypeVerbatim Verbatim (long text).

AnswerTypeDate Date (year, month, day).

AnswerTypeTime Time (hour, minute, second).

EntryTypeV   Before one of the above this shows that the entry is a variable (not a question).


Context menu for entries

Filter Filter entries used to analyse a subset of the data.

16QuantityWeight Entries used as quantity weights.

32ArrowNext Entries used as columns of tables.

ArrowDown Entries used as rows of tables.

Filter Used as the first sample in a distinction analysis.

Filter Used as the second sample in a distinction analysis.


Distinction sample descriptions

16DistinctionA Sample A.

16DistinctionB Sample B.