Entry name rules

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Entry name rules

Questions will normally have a number as part of the name.

You can set a Project global Controls option to warn if entry names are longer than a set number of characters.

If entries are cut and pasted to a different position in the questionnaire file, or entries are added or deleted during the design phase, [Edit] [Rename] from the Main window may be used.

IMPORTANT: the following special characters should never be included in entry names:

* (asterisk)

\ (backslash)

^ (carat)

~ (tilde)

! (exclamation mark)

. (full stop)

- (minus) if referred to in arithmetic definitions in integer variables or float variables


_ (underscore)

We recommend that you begin each question with a letter (such as Q), especially if you wish to export data to other programs, for example SPSS.

Whenever possible, filters and variables should be given names that identify their contents.

TIP: to make the different types of entry immediately recognisable in a list of entries we recommend:

question names begin with the letter Q

filter names begin with the letter F

variable names begin with the letter V

You can set a Project global option to upper case all new entry names.