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If you want to use a square bracket that is not intended for the preprocessor you can precede it with a grave (`) character, so this is not a preprocessor command but a piece of text with 6 characters.
Always enclose set references and cell references in square brackets. This avoids ambiguity and is easier to read. For example, to get the value from the data set:
[*set NewIndex=[dsMine.ThisOne]]
Always enclose file, worksheet and column names in quotes even if they do not contain spaces:
[*dbopen dfExcel=’MyFile.xls’]
[*dbloop dlThisRow = dfExcel;’Sheet1’;’Value’,’Name’]
[*dbopen dfAcc=’MyFile.bdb’]
[*dbloop dlRow = dfAcc;’Questions’]
You can include preprocessor substitutions and commands inside other commands. They can be nested to any level. Examples might be:
[*set [dsSelect.lpSelect]My[&lpAlpha] = 0]
[*set Value = [dsSet.#]+[dsSet.MyOne]]
[*data dsThisTime () CSV = [ThisCSV].CSV]
[*dbloop dlRow = dfFile;’[ThisSheet]’;’[FirstCol]’,’[SecondCol]’]
Always enclose text within single quotes if you want to treat it as text.
When the text in an index is referred to, always use @ to make sure that the exact text is used. For example, to get the text from the index:
[*set NewIndex=’[@MyText]’]
When the text in a data set is referred to always enclose in quotes. For example, to get the text from the data set:
[*set NewIndex=’[dsMine.ThisOne]’]
IMPORTANT: if a substitution begins with a [ then it is assumed to contain a value so:
[*set ThatPlace=dsPlaces.lpThis]
[*set ThatPlace=’[dsPlaces.lpThis]’]
[*set ThatPlace=[dsPlaces.lpThis]]
The first and second commands can be used to set ThatPlace to the text from [dsPlaces.lpThis]. The third command will fail unless [dsPlaces.lpThis] contains a valid number.
IMPORTANT: the text "15." or "15.0" is a valid whole number, so:
[*set Mytext=’15.0’]
The first substitution outputs "15" not "15.0". The second output "15.0".
To use a spreadsheet as a lookup table use *DBFINDROW and *LAST, for example:
[*dbfindrow FoundRow = dfFile;’Sheet1’;’Response’=’NA’]
[*dbloop dlFoundRow = (FoundRow)dfFile;’Sheet1’]
[*last dlFoundRow]
[*set FoundText = dlFoundRow.’Text’]
[*dbend dlFoundRow]
The following shows how to use the %start functions which show the values when the run was started:
[*set yyyy=%startyear]
[*set mm=%startmonth]
[*set dd=%startday]
[*set hh=%starthour]
[*set mm=%startminute]
[*set ss=%startsecond]
date = [yyyy]/[0mm]/[0dd]
time = [0hh]:[0mm]:[0ss]
[*set path=%startsetuppath]
[*set file=%startsetupfile]
file = [path]\[file]