Project global settings application

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Project global settings application

The Project global settings is used to set information which relates to the entire project (questionnaire), rather than individual entries (questions).  The global settings include the following:


Various controls that affect the whole project including:

Study name to be used to identify collected data

Limit name lengths for new entries

Make all new entry names upper case

Convert single-coded to multi-coded when pasting as a variable

Ignore carry forward text for imported projects that use [ and ] in text

Suppress responses with unallocated text when exporting data


Contains information on the type of data files that exist for this project.

This information is important because it prevents the user changing something that would make the data files unusable.

Fixed layout (ASC or binary)

This determines the type of raw data file (character or binary) and the layout (one line or multiple lines per questionnaire). For more information, see Data, Raw data structure.

An important decision needs to made about who is in control of the data locations.  There are three settings:

Program sets

User sets


Unless you are trying to match data locations you can leave the program to set the data locations.

Once data is entered on a project the data locations should be frozen to preserve access to any entered data.  You can change to "User sets" to alter the questionnaire but it is your responsibility to make sure that you do not lose any links to the data already collected.

"Program sets" will redo all data locations every time the project is saved and should not be used if there are any data files for the project.


Various controls can be set for data collection including:

Show question data locations during input

Refuse input of responses with unallocated text

Use full digit width for response keys during input


This is used to set the FTP sites for transferring project and data files with Companion Android Input.


Various controls for CATI data collection including the type of dialling used


Texts for the whole project.