QTF file

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QTF file

The file contains details of tables for analysis.

It contains global information that affects all tables in the set and information for each table.

The layout of a QTF file can been found at https://netmr.scot/docs/QTF Layout.pdf.

QTF files are created, edited, and run using Tables setup.

Spreadsheet options are stored in a separate XML file with the same name as the QTF file followed by " Spreadsheet Options".  This file will be saved and loaded whenever the QTF is saved or loaded.

Global information includes:



Overall filter

Global format options

Quantity weight

Data files to be included

Export options

For normal tables:

Name (usually a number)

Entry name and text to use for the columns

Entry name and text to use for the rows

Filter and description

Format options

Quantity weight

For arithmetic tables:

Arithmetic definition

Column text

Row text

Format options

For CL syntax:

The CL syntax (script)

For grid tables (not compatible with Classic programs):

Name (usually a number)

Entry name prefix and text to use for the rows

Filter and description

Format options

Quantity weight