Skeleton project files

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Skeleton project files

Companion and Reflect

Various skeleton project files are available from

These skeleton QDF files contain all of the ZZZ entries needed for a project.  We recommend that you copy these skeleton files and alter them to make your own versions.  For example, you can add your company name to the questions and include any standard opening or closing questions.

For CATI you may want to alter ZZZSR0 to get the responses you require.

You may keep a number of customised skeleton project files for different project types or customers.

When starting a new project you can:

Copy the relevant skeleton and add the questions for this survey to the copy


Start with an empty project and add the questions for this survey, copy the blocks of entries from the relevant skeleton project into the new one before entering data

TIP: whichever method you use, remember that individual questions can be copied and pasted from other projects into the new one.  For example, you will often need identical demographic questions such as region that have been used in earlier surveys.

In addition to the customised skeleton files you may wish to create question library files to hold questions and other entries that may be needed in future surveys.