Variables with a response list

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Variables with a response list

See Project components for a brief introduction to variables.

This topic describes single-coded and multi-coded variables.

These variables have a response list and are very similar to single-coded and multi-coded questions in that a variable can:

Be filtered, and will be empty if any of the applied filters are false

Be referred to in exactly the same way as a question in logic definitions and analysis

Have response analysis settings on the responses

Be used for sample points or quotas in CATI surveys

The differences are that a variable:

Is not normally seen during an interview

Is not normally stored in the data file

Is recalculated whenever it is needed

Has logic definitions as responses and a text that describes them

Cannot have response input settings on the responses

Cannot have response restrictors applied to it

Single-coded and multi-coded variables can be created by:

Requesting a new variable entry and adding the responses, responses can be copied from questions and pasted into the variable

Copying a whole question to a variable, each response in the variable will refer back to the same response in the question

Copying a whole question to the clipboard and pasting as a variable

Single-coded variables should only be used when each respondent can only be selected for one of the responses.  If a respondent is selected in more than one response definition then only the first of the responses will be selected in the variable.

TIP: there is a setting in Project global settings to make a multi-coded variable when copying a single-coded entry. This is helpful if summary rows are being added.

Responses can be added by:

Adding them one at a time and defining the logic definition for each response separately

Adding a block of responses by choosing an entry and the range of responses, see Variable responses add

Adding a block of responses by combining responses from one or more questions or variables, see Variable responses add

Adding a matrix of combinations of responses from other questions or variables, see Variable responses matrix

Responses can be cut and pasted in a variable and from one variable to another, and from other open projects.

Special responses

The last response in a multi-coded variable can be set to R (reject) so that it will be selected if all the other responses are empty.

For some variables a number of the responses will be set to T (true) so that every respondent is selected, or F (false) so that no respondents will be selected.

Grouping responses

Responses can be grouped together using headers and over-headers, see Variable responses.  Headers are also used to group columns for significance testing, see Significance formats.