ZZZ question type

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ZZZ question type

For full details of ZZZ entries see Reference manual, Questions, ZZZ questions.

Questions with names that begin with the letters ZZZ have a special purpose.  They are referred to as "triple Z" questions, not to be confused with the triple-s standard.

ZZZ questions are not seen during input because the program stores the relevant information automatically.

IMPORTANT: you should include ZZZ entries in all of your projects, especially if you work according to research standards, such as the Market Research Quality Standards Association (MRQSA).

"Skeleton" Question Definition files (QDF) are available that include all the ZZZ entries needed for surveys can be found, copied and modified as required.

When a record is created

ZZZ questions can store:

A copy of the serial (sequence) number so that it is preserved if the serial number is changed

Computer name when this data file was created

User login name when this data file was created

Date and time when this data file was created

Unique hexadecimal numbers for showing questions and responses in random order

The location coordinates of the interview

When a record is finished

ZZZ questions can store:

The status (finished, partial, aborted)

Total cumulative interview time

Number of keystrokes that were needed to enter the record

The last question asked if aborted before finished

For paper projects that are verified:

User login name of the verifier

Number of verify changes made

During the interview / input

ZZZ questions can store:

Computer name

User login name

Date and time

Times for sections of the questionnaire in seconds

Program version number

For CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview)

ZZZ questions can store:

Sample status

Call history

Appointment details