Appointment icons

Information about appointments is displayed at the "Start of interview" dialog box.

The following icons are used to identify the types of appointment:


Appointment Description

Future appointment for [Any user]

Future appointment for [Me] - that is the current interviewer

Future appointment for [Someone else] - the user number and name of the person is shown in the "Who" column

Late appointment for [Any user]

Late appointment for [Me] - that is the current interviewer

Late appointment for [Someone else] - the user number and name of the person is shown in the "Who" column

TIP: from the "Start of interview with sample file" dialog box interviewers can choose to show only their own appointments, by selecting the [Mine only] check box - unless an appointment is late, when it will be marked "LATE", the icon changed and it will appear on the appointment list of all interviewers, regardless of the "who should call back" setting.

When an appointment is due, the word "NOW" appears under the heading "When". Alongside the word "NOW" the acceptable delay is counted down, then "NOW =" will be displayed for 1 minute, after which time the appointment will be marked as "LATE" (with the length of time it is overdue shown).