Verify mode

Once data has been entered it is possible to check the accuracy of the data by verifying it against the original paper questionnaires.

TIP: it is good practice to verify at least 10% of data entered, and whenever possible verification should be undertaken by a person who did not enter the original data.

The "Verify data" option allows you to "call up" an existing serial number (questionnaire) and re-enter the data. QPSMR will detect any responses entered under "Verify data" which are different to the responses entered in the original data entry session.

To verify data, from the Data window you should use the [Verify questionnaire] toolbar icon (the two equal data columns) or select [Action] [Verify questionnaire].

The "Which serial number" dialog box is displayed with the [Verify the questionnaire with this serial number] radio button highlighted. In the "Serial number" box, the first serial number in the Data file will be shown; if you wish to verify a different questionnaire you should overtype the number of the questionnaire which you would like to verify and select [OK].

Notice in the bottom left hand corner of the screen the Mode "verify" is shown, and the first question on your questionnaire is displayed.

You should then enter the data as described in section Question display.

If QPSMR detects a response entered under "Verify data" which is different to that entered in the original data entry session, the "Verify difference options" box is displayed. The original response and the new response are both displayed. You have the option of accepting the original response, by selecting the [Old response correct] button or accepting the new response, using the [New response correct] button. If you choose the new response QPSMR will automatically modify the original Data file accordingly. Once you have made your choice you are returned to the data screen so that you may continue verifying your data.

When verifying a character question, if an inconsistency is detected by the program the "Verify difference correct" dialog box is displayed, with the serial number shown in square brackets in the title bar of the box. Both the old (original) information and the new information is displayed along with a [Difference where?] button and an "Amended response here" box highlighting which data is different.

TIP: spaces in texts are indicated by a ^ (carat).

If the original response is correct the verifier should select the [Old part correct] button followed by [Set to amended], QPSMR will then store the original, correct information.

If the new response is correct the verifier should select [Set to amended] and QPSMR will store the new, correct information.

If neither responses are correct, the verifier should type the changes required in the "Amended response here" box, and when the information displayed in this box is correct, select [Set to amended].

The [Difference where?] button can be used as required. This button is especially useful if a long text includes several inconsistencies, as all of the text that includes inconsistencies will be highlighted. When some changes have been made, the [Where difference?] button can be selected again to identify any remaining inconsistencies.