AVG Averages or mean scores

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AVG Averages or mean scores

AVG is a logical format. The standard setting is AVG (true).

AVG instructs CL to compute and print averages (mean scores) for relevant tables.

Format AVG takes effect when a number (ivar or wvar) is used as the rows, or for row variables with label control V (value) set.

IMPORTANT: mean scores in each column that are significantly different will be marked using the same formula as format TTF. The markings will use SMA, SMB or column identifiers (markers). Format SMS will be used to place the markers.

See format SHG for information on the way significant differences are shown.

See also formats:

CHG Column Header Gap

CLG Column Label Gap

DIS Distribution as well as statistics

DPA Decimal Places for Averages

PSV Print Score Values alongside row labels

SHG Statistics Header Group

SMA Significance Marker A

SMB Significance Marker A

SMS Significance Marker Space