<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Reference > Formats > ILE Quantiles at specified level |
ILE is a numeric format. The standard setting is ILE0.
A setting of ILE from 2 to 100 tells CL to compute medians(2), terciles(3), quartiles(4), quintiles(5), sextiles(6), septiles(7), octiles(8), noniles(9), deciles(10), vigintiles(20) or percentiles(100), for the current table.
"Quantiles" is a general name given to various ways of dividing up a distribution into equal-sized groups; the difference between the instances lies in the number of groups used. A quantile figure shows one of these group boundaries - the number or value (see below) of the row in the distribution where this boundary occurs. In any distribution, there will be one median point, two tercile points, three quartile points (of which the middle point will also be the median) and so on. All points for the type of quantile selected are shown and labelled 'First', 'Second', 'Third', etc.
Format ILE takes effect when row questions have label control <V> set or a value distribution table (list all rows) is used.
It is assumed that no record enters more than once into a column. Total rows are not used. Quantiles can only be calculated if all the rows of a table are included in the calculation.
Note that ILE0 means no quantiles are produced; ILE1 is likewise not used, and ILE2 generates a median. Settings higher than 100 are not allowed.
IMPORTANT: For value distribution tables (list all rows) you must also use format RNA.
See also formats:
RNA Rank in Ascending order
MED Medians