Specials in FORMSPEC.STP files

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Specials in FORMSPEC.STP files

To change the standard settings of the special texts so as to affect all CL runs, you should create a file called FORMSPEC.STP.

The file should contain standard special text definitions, for the specials you want to change. For instance, the file might contain the line:


The FORMSPEC.STP file is read by every CL run containing a Data Stage, immediately after START DATA.

To change the standard settings of the special texts so as to affect all CL runs in a particular directory, you can create a file called FORMSPEC.STP in that directory, and insert special text definitions as described earlier. The FORMSPEC.STP file is read by every CL run containing a Data Stage in that directory, immediately after the FORMSPEC.STP file, if any, or immediately after START DATA.

In either the global FORMSPEC file, or the local FORMSPEC.STP file, you may include F (format) commands, if you wish.

In the local FORMSPEC.STP file, you may also include SERIAL, CARD, ORDER, TEMPORARY and PRESERVE TEMPORARY commands, if this is convenient.

The commands in FORMSPEC.STP files may appear in any order.




%jf='Prepared by MRSL',