Carry forward text

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Carry forward text


If your project is imported you may wish to use the global setting to ignore carry forward text.

This refers to the ability to embed answers from earlier questions in later questions.

It is done by enclosing the earlier entry name in square brackets in the relevant text.  For example, this could be a question text:

You say that you own a [Q2].  How old is it?

The answer given at Q2 will be inserted in place of the [Q2] in the text.

You can only refer to earlier questions and variables.

There can be more than one carry forward reference in a text.

Two additional carry forward texts can also be used:

[serial] is replaced by the serial number of the current record

[thisquestion] is replaced by the question name in which the carry forward appears

Carry forward can be used in:

Question texts

Interviewer instructions

Response texts

Hold filter texts

File details when calling an external file or web page during input

In analysis the carry forward text is not altered; it shows the entry name in square brackets.

IMPORTANT:  you should avoid using square brackets in text except for carry forward text.  If square brackets are used in text then a warning will be issued every time the project is checked.

TIP: sometimes the respondent will select an "Other" response and will then be asked another question to clarify the answer.  For this reason if the selected response has a question routing set, then the carry forward answer will be the answer given to the question referred to in the question routing, not the original question in square brackets.