Question responses

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Question responses


Single-coded and multi-coded questions have a response list.

Responses are always numbered 1 upwards.

For data entry the response keys can be numbered starting at zero, but this numbering is only used when entering data, and the first response must still be referred to as response 1 in any definitions.

You can reserve responses without allocating texts for open-ended questions or for later coding, see Reference manual, Questions, Reserve responses.

The list of responses is shown on the Entry details window main tab for convenience.  All editing is done with "Responses" tab and there is a toolbar to manipulate selected responses.  You can also insert new responses or paste them from the clipboard.  There is an "Add responses" toolbar button that opens Responses add to insert a number of responses at once.

Responses can be copied and pasted from one question to another, including other open projects.

Responses can be made unavailable by referring to an earlier question or variable as a "response restrictor".

If one response is selected or added then a number of things can be set for that response:

Text for the response which can include Carry forward text, see also Text rules

Make the response a supplemental reject, the response is not stored in the data but is used for analysis and filtering if no other response is selected

Data location and code if using individual response locations

IMPORTANT: a "Supplemental reject" response must be the final one in the list.

Response input settings

Input settings are applied to all selected responses with the "Response input settings" tool window:

Single response only - this response cannot be selected with any other response in a multi-coded question

Fixed position - this response will not be randomised if the question is set to randomise the response list during input

Ignore response restrictor - this response is always available for selection regardless of any response filters applied to the question, see Applying a filter

Embedded reject - used if no other response is selected (not recommended)

Refuse input - this response is never allowed, it is there to reserve the response number

Suspend input - this response cannot be selected when inputting data but is allowed in existing data files

Response filter - a named filter entry is applied to this individual response


oIneligible - if this response is selected it will terminate the input and treat as ineligible (CATI)

oClose - if this response is selected it will terminate the input but treat as a valid interview

oQuestion routing - this prints this question name in the appropriate place

oText routing - this prints the text specified (usually "close") in the appropriate place

IMPORTANT: none of the routing settings above will route past questions in analysis and the last two routing settings above will not route past questions in data input either, see Applying a filter.

IMPORTANT: question routing will be used if this question is referred to in carry forward text.

Response analysis settings

Report settings are applied to all selected responses with the "Response analysis settings" tool window:

Value score to be used for mean score calculations (averages), the selected response score can be put into a variable

Zero suppress - do not show this response in tables if it is empty

Suppress always - never show this response in tables

Rank start - begin ranking the responses with this response, ranking is reordering the responses printed so that the response selected most often appears first and the remainder in descending order to the least selected response

Rank finish - stop ranking responses with this response, following responses will not be ranked

Rank level - used for multi-level ranking, see below

New page - start a new page (overflow) for this and following responses

Base for following responses - percentages for subsequent responses use this response as the base

No figures - only show percentages for this response

Sum rows - this response will be the sum of previous responses

Ignore for sum - do not include in a following"sum" response

Multi-level ranking

This is not used for questions which do not have summary rows, so is described in Variable responses.