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To begin work on a project the interviewer starts the Telin (Input) program and selects the correct Questionnaire Input file (QIF). They will be positioned at the start-up folder as marked in the Text Document file (TXT) called "IniInput" usually stored in "C:\My Projects". From there they will need to browse down the folders to find the correct QIF.
Once a QIF has been opened, the title bar will show the title set in the QIF. If more that one QIF is used on a project, it is important to set this title in the QIF so that each one has a unique title. The interviewer should check the title to ensure that they are working on the correct project.
For old projects that contain ZZZUSA then everyone (interviewers and supervisors) should be given a unique user number. These are stored in the Comma Separated Value file (CSV) called "User Numbers" in the start-up folder along with the user login names. New projects should use ZZZUNA instead.
All the files needed for the project are now opened automatically by the program and the Question Definitions file (QDF) is read. The QDF is not looked at again during interviewing. If the QDF is changed and the interviewer needs the new version then they will have to close and restart again.
It is possible for interviewers to open two or more projects (or even the same project twice) at the same time and use Windows (Alt Tab) to switch between them.
The interviewer is then presented with the "start of interview" dialog box .
At start-up and after every record (serial) is finished the interviewer is presented with the "start of interview" dialog box. Usually it is the "start of interview with sample file" dialog box but if there is no sample file then another box is used with all the sample and quota details removed because they are not relevant.
From the "start of interview" dialog box the interviewer can:
•[Close] - stop interviewing on this project
•Retrieve a record to call (dial) and interview:
o[Sample] to get a random sample record
o[Get serial] to get a specific record (serial)
oPDS to request a socket dialler to call a number
oDouble click a listed appointment
•[Add new serial] to add a new serial record that is not in the sample file (rarely used)
•View various information in more detail
The start of interview box contains sample (and quota) information on the selected sample points. It also shows any appointments that are due soon or are late being called.
For the selected sample points it shows:
•Total: number of records in the sample file
•Fresh: number of records that have not yet been tried
•Left: number of records that are still "live" and available to be called. This does not include appointments.
For appointments the interviewer can chose to see only appointments of a selected priority or above. They can chose to see appointments set for anybody and those for other named interviewers. They can also choose the time period.
When an interviewer takes a break they should either close the Telin (Input) program or leave the "start of interview" dialog box on the screen. When they return they should use the [Refresh display] button to update the sample figures and the appointments list.
At the bottom of this box is shown the full path of the quota and sample files that are being used.
Supervisors should periodically check that interviewers are working on the correct files by checking -
•The title bar on the main window shows the title of the QIF opened
•The bottom of the main window shows the full path of the main data file and the interviewer name
•The "start of interview" box shows the full paths of the quota and sample files in use
From the "start of interview" the interviewer uses the [Close] button to stop working on this project.
All the files the interviewer was using for the project will be closed.
If the interviewer knows the serial number of the record that they wish to interview they can type the serial number in the edit box and use [Get serial]. This will retrieve a Partial data record from the Partial data file or a sample record from the Sample data file as appropriate.
If there is an appointment listed that the interviewer wishes to call, they can double click the serial number in the list at the bottom of the "start of interview" dialog box or from the full screen appointments display accessed using the [Details] button.
If neither of the above, then the interviewer can use [Sample] to retrieve a random sample record. If particular sample points have been selected (not {any}) using the pull-down sample point lists, then only records in the chosen sample point will be retrieved.
However the record (serial) is chosen the "retrieved serial information" dialog box appears. From this the interviewer can:
•[Dial] the phone number from entry TELNUM or TELNUM_1, TELNUM_2, or TELNUM_3 if the appropriate TAPI 3 or socket compatible software/hardware is available. The status of the call is shown at the bottom left of the main window
•[Hang up] to cancel a dial attempt
•[Not tried] to return the record and not update the call history
•[Failure] to mark the call as having failed because no interviewing could be done
•[Interview] to proceed with the interview
This dialog box shows the result of the last call made and any short comment for this record.
There is also a [History] button which shows a full history of calls to this record and the long comment and the percentage completed.
If a dialled call fails the interviewer can try the other numbers in TELNUM_2 and TELNUM_3 if available.
This is not often done for CATI surveys and is usually only used for last minute additions to meet a quota when the sample file has been exhausted.
The serial number will be issued so as to avoid any conflict with sample serial numbers.
There will be no sample data for the new record so it will begin at the first sample question . The sample questions will have to be entered if any routing or quotas rely on them.
There are a few other buttons available from the "start of interview" dialog box:
•[Refresh display] This should be used to update the sample and quota numbers and the appointments if this dialog box has been left on the screen for a while.
•[Partial list view] Lists all the serial numbers in the Partial data file and some other information including the percentage of wasted space. Interviewers can retrieve a record by double clicking a serial in the list.
•[Quotas view] to see the current state of all the quota cells for the project.
•[Details] to see a more detailed list of appointments with the percentage completed, number of calls made, the result of the last call, and the sample points.
If the call did not result in an interview, the "failed contact" dialog box appears. The interviewer should choose the reason from the list (from ZZZSR0) why the interview could not proceed and then choose between:
•[Appointment] to make an appointment for a call-back
•[Dead (no)] to mark the record as aborted and not to be called again
•[Leave as sample] to return the record to the Sample data file for random retrieval in the future
Some buttons may not be available depending on the reason selected.
This brings up the appointment dialog box where the interviewer can choose:
•A Vague or Fixed appointment
•The date, time and delay for the call-back
•The priority
•Who should make call-back
•Short comment
•Long comment
The record is stored in the Partial data file and will be listed in the appointments list at the appropriate time.
See CATI Making an appointment for more details.
This means that this record (serial) is not to be called again.
If it was a retrieved sample record then the sample record is returned with ZZZSST/2 and this serial number will never be retrieved again and will not be found in a Partial or |Main data file.
If it was a retrieved partial record then it will be removed from the Partial data file and put on the Main data file as an aborted record (ZZZEND/4). An extra question is normally included in the QDF that is then asked, so a record can be kept of the reason why the interview was not able to be completed.
This puts the record back to the Sample data file. The call history is updated and it is available for random retrieval at a later date.
This causes the interview to start by asking the first relevant question.
For retrieved sample records this will be the first question following the last question with data in it or the question following the one named in ZZZLQN if that is not blank.
For retrieved partial records this will be the first question following the last question with data in it (last one asked) or the question following the one named in ZZZLQN if that is not blank.
The interview then continues one question at a time (skipping irrelevant questions) until:
•it is completed
•the interviewer suspends it by using the F12 function key
•it is found to be out of quota (over quota) or ineligible.
•it is temporarily held up to deal with a validation problem (hold filter )
If the interview is completed normally the "end of interview" dialog box appears, showing "Successful interview". The interviewer has two choices:
•[Return to interview] to return to the entry screens to check answers and to key in any character or verbatim questions that were jotted down because there was insufficient time to type them in during the interview itself.
•[Save questionnaire] to save the questionnaire to the Main data file as a successful interview (ZZZEND/1)
If the interview is found to be out of quota or ineligible during the interview then the "end of interview" dialog box occurs showing the reason why and the entry that caused the abort. The interviewer has two choices:
•[Return to interview] to return to the entry screens to alter faulty answers or to find an appropriate person to interview.
•[Save questionnaire] to save the questionnaire to the Main data file as an out of quota or ineligible incomplete interview (ZZZEND/2 or ZZZEND/3)
At any time the interviewer can use the [F12] function key to bring up the "suspended input" dialog box. This box shows all the data entered for this record and the interviewer has the following options:
•[Return] to go back to the point that they used F12
•[Continue later ] to make an appointment (see earlier section - Appointment)
•[Terminate] to abort the interview and mark as Dead (see earlier section - Dead)
This dialog box has two other buttons:
•[History] to see the full call history for this record
•[View quotas] to see the full quota details
If a Hold filter is found to be true during an interview the interview is suspended and the "hold input" dialog box appears to warn the interviewer that a validation error has occurred. The interviewer is notified of the error (filter text) and asked to correct it. The interviewer can choose:
•[OK] to return to the interview to correct the error
•[Cancel] to ignore the error. This will bring up a second dialog box where they must confirm that they wish to ignore the validation error. Interviewers must inform a supervisor before saving the interview if they have done this and why
During the interview the main window is displayed (usually full screen) showing the information for:
•the current question
•navigation buttons
•status information at the bottom of the window
This comprises the:
•Question text to be asked
•Interviewer instructions (not to be read aloud)
•Response area which will be:
oList of possible responses for single-coded and multi-coded questions
oAn edit box to enter text for character and verbatim questions
oAn edit box to enter a value for integer and weight questions (and a visual keypad, for mouse input)
oA date selection with pull-down calendar for date questions
oA time selection for time questions
oNothing for interviewer text questions
On the left are buttons for mouse use:
•[Up] to move back to the previous question
•[Down] to move on to the next question
•[Next] to move on to the next unanswered question
The up and down arrows can be used instead. Use Ctrl Down for Next.
There are three lines of status information at the bottom of the main window, they show:
•question name, question type, file access, selected responses or value
•serial number, position on file, records saved to main file, full path of main data file
•mode, computer name, user number (if ZZZUSA), user name