CATI make appointment

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CATI make appointment

CATI licence

Making an Appointment

TIP: see also ZZZ entries used for CATI for details about the ZZZ entries mentioned below.

Two type of appointment can be made from the "Appointment" dialog box:

Vague Appointments

These are usually made when the line is engaged or there is no answer etc. You begin by selecting from the 3 radio buttons [Soon] [Later] or [Tomorrow]. If you choose [Soon] the date box will display "today’s" date, and the time in 10 minutes, so the interview will be displayed in 10 minutes (and will become late 10 minutes after the time displayed). The [Later] button will cause the interview to be presented in 1 hour after the time displayed and it will not become late until 1 hour after that. The [Tomorrow] button will cause the interview to be presented at the same time in 1 days time (and it will become late 1 day after that). Of course, these setting may be modified, by using the [Night], [Morning], [Afternoon], [Evening] and hours and minutes buttons, or by typing in the boxes, as required.

You may also modify the "Priority", "Who should call back" and "Comments" settings (see below)

Fixed Appointments

These are usually made when the interviewer has spoken to the respondent , or someone else, and a specific date and a time to call back is agreed. Fixed appointments are first set by using the [Today] or [Next day] buttons. Selecting [Today] means that the current date, and the time in 1 minute, will be displayed with a delay of 1 minute before the appointment becomes late. The [Next day] button is used to move on in time day by day, for each day the time in 1 minute will be displayed (with a delay of 1 minute). If a future date is displayed the [Previous] button becomes active so it is possible to move back day by day.

Again these settings and the "Priority", "Who should call back" and "Comments" settings (see below) may be modified as required.

TIP: the appointment date and time are held in entries ZZZADT and ZZZATM respectively.

TIP: the number set in the "Delay" box sets the value (in minutes) to ZZZDEL.

TIP: when an appointment becomes late it is marked LATE, the icon changes and it appears on the appointment list of all users (even if it is not marked using the [Any user] radio button) at the "Start of interview with sample file" dialog box.


The priority responses displayed on the left of the "Appointment" dialog box are those set in entry ZZZPRI. Up to 30 responses with any text can be used, but response 1 must be given the highest priority because Companion will arrange the appointment list, shown at the "Start of interview with sample file" dialog box, with each time band sorted into priority (the lower the number the higher the priority).

When making an appointment simply select the appropriate priority response.

TIP: when the "Appointment" dialog box is first displayed if the [Today] button is selected the priority setting will automatically default to response 1 (which you may alter if you wish).


At the "Appointment" dialog box the number of times the interview had been tried in total (set in ZZZSTR), the number of times it has been tried today (set in ZZZSTD) and the percentage of the interview that is complete is shown.

The [History] button can be used to see the "History" dialog box, where the dates and times when the interview has previously been tried, and the result of the call (for example, no reply, engaged etc as held in ZZZSR1-9) are shown. The Short and Long Comments and the percentage of the interview that is complete, is also displayed.

Who should call back?

There are 3 radio buttons used to specify who should call back – [Any user], [Me] or [Someone else]. If [Someone else] is selected the pull down list box above the radio buttons becomes active and you can choose the name of the interviewer who should make the call.

TIP: the login name of the interviewer who made the appointment is stored in entry ZZZUNM.


If you wish to allocate a short comment to the appointment, up to 20 characters may be typed in the short text box immediately below the "who should call back" radio buttons. This short comment is normally used to display "in-house comments" or characters which have a special meaning. Any short comments allocated are listed at the "Start of interview with sample file" dialog box, alongside the appointment details. Entry ZZZCOM is used to store short comments.

It is also possible to allocate a longer comment to an appointment; for example, you might wish to include details about the interview or the respondent. Simply type the comment in the text box at the bottom of the "Appointment" dialog box. Entry ZZZDET is used to store long comments and the amount of text that you can enter is determined by the width allocated to ZZZDET. You may use a width of up to 250 characters when working with an ASCII project (or 70 when working in a binary project).