Create filters

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Create filters

From the Main window menu [Insert] [Create filter entries from responses] is used to make filters from the responses to a single-coded or multi-coded question or variable.

You can choose the entry to be referred to in the filters before requesting this.

A filter for every selected response

When the Create filters button is used this will create a new filter for every response highlighted in the response list.  Each filter will be true if the relevant response was selected in the entry.

The filter text for each filters is the response text.  If there is no response text then the response number will be used.

Before creating the filters you can:

Choose to include refused responses in the response list

Choose to make the filters negative so the filter is true if the response was not selected in the entry

Set the number of responses at the end of the response list to be ignored

Set the name for the filters.  Each filter will have this name followed by the response number

Set a text to appear before the response text in the filter text

Set a text to appear after the response text in the filter text

One filter only for the selected responses combined

When the Create filter button is used this will create one new filter.  This filter will be true if any of the highlighted responses in the response list are selected in the entry.

Before creating the filters you can:

Choose to include refused responses in the response list

Choose to make the filter negative so the filter is true if none of the responses was selected in the entry

Set the name for the filter

Set the filter text

The remains open so that further filters can be created from the same entry or another entry using the Choose entry to refer to button.