Main window menu

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Main window menu

This is the menu for the Main window.

File, New

Create an empty project, giving it a new name.

If you have already opened a project, then the new project will be created in the same folder as that project.  If you have not already opened a project, then it will be created in the projects folder set in Options settings.  You can change to another folder for the new project.

If there are entries in the project, then a new program window is opened for the new project and the current project remains open.

24FileOpen File, Open

Access an existing project using Open existing project.

If you have already opened a project, then it will start looking in the same folder as that project.  If you have not already opened a project, then it will start looking in the projects folder set in Options settings.

If there are entries in the project being viewed, then a new program window is opened for the project and the current project remains open.

TIP: to open a triple-s XML project, use [File] [Load project from triple-s XML].

File, Close

Close the project currently being viewed.

File, Abandon changes and open again

This discards any changes made to the project since it was loaded and reloads it from the file.

If other users have changed the file, the latest saved version is the one loaded.

File, Load from triple-s XML

You must be in a new or empty project (no entries) to use this menu item to read a triple-s XML file and convert it into entries.

The ASC data file is not changed and can be used directly with the program.  A CSV data file will be converted to a usable CSV data file.

File, Load from triple-s XML (zero=reject)

As the previous item but any responses with <value code="0" > will be treated as supplemental reject categories and put at the end of the response list.

File, Load from CSV

The chosen CSV file will be scanned and a question entry created for each column in the CSV file.

The entry names are taken from the first row which must contain the names to be used for entries.

If the first column is headed "Serial" and it contains numbers, it will used as the serial number.

If you need a fixed format character data file then when you are happy with the data locations, use [Answers] [Copy and convert data file].

24FileSave File, Save

Save the current project.

The project is scanned for errors before being saved unless the global option has been set to suppress this scan.

The previous version of the project file is stored in the sub-folder called Archive.

The project is reloaded and scanned from the new saved project file.

File, Save as

Save a copy of the current project with a different name.

File, Export whole project and data to > triple-s XML and ASC

This creates a duplicate project and matching character data file with all multi-coded data entries converted to a set of single-coded entries so that each response is a separate single-coded entry with one response.

A multi-coded variable is then rebuilt from the single-coded entries so that filters and variables referring to the original multi are still valid.

See Project export for more details.

File, Export whole project and data to >SPSS syntax SPS and CSV> Separate variables for multi-coded responses

This creates a new project and matching CSV data file and then exports the entire project to an SPSS syntax file.

In the new project (QDF) all variables and filters are converted to questions.  This is done because they may refer to hidden entries not exported.

All multi-coded variables are converted to a separate variable for each response output.

All questions, filters, variables, and supplemental reject responses are exported unless they are in a hidden group.

You can leave out empty entries and responses using a setting in Project global settings.

See Project export for more details.

File, Export whole project and data to >SPSS syntax SPS and CSV> Multi-coded as spreadfields and MRSETS

This creates a new project and matching CSV data file and then exports the entire project to an SPSS syntax file.

In the new project (QDF) all variables and filters are converted to questions.  This is done because they may refer to hidden entries not exported.

All multi-coded variables are converted to spreadfields. A spreadfield is a set of single-coded entries, each with all the responses.  The first actual answer is put in the first variable, the second in the next, and so on.  The number of variables is the maximum answers that any one respondent has used. The multi-coded entries are put back together in an MRSET for tabulation.

All questions, filters, variables, and supplemental reject responses are exported unless they are in a hidden group.

You can leave out empty entries and responses using a setting in Project global settings.

See Project export for more details.

File, Export whole project and data to > Multis converted as singles QDF and CSV

This creates a new project and matching CSV data file and then opend the new project.

All questions, filters, variables, and supplemental reject responses are exported unless they are in a hidden group.

See Project export for more details.

File, Export project using existing data to > CL script STP

This saves the project to a CL script (STP) file for use with QPSMR CL.

See Project export for more details.

File, Export project using existing data to > triple-s XML

This saves the project to a triple-s XML file.  This can only be done if the data structure is that expected by the triple-s standard.

See Project export for more details.

File, Export project using existing data to > SPSS script SPS

This saves the project to an SPSS script (SPS) file. This can only be done if the data structure is usable by SPSS.

UNI data files and Excel files need to be converted to CSV data files first using [Data copy and convert].

The generated script will refer (in the first line) to the data file selected.

See Project export for more details.

File, Export project using existing data to > Quantum script RUN

This saves the project to a partial Quantum script file. The generated script will require some modification by the user.

See Project export for more details.

File, Project folder view

Open the file explorer in the folder (directory) where the project file is saved.

File, Exit

Close the Companion. You are prompted to save the project first, if necessary.

24EditCut Edit, Cut

Remove selected entries onto the clipboard.

24EditCopy Edit, Copy

Copy selected entries onto the clipboard.

24EditPaste Edit, Paste

Insert entries from the clipboard after the entry with focus.

Entries on the clipboard with the same names as existing entries can be used to replace (overwrite) those existing entries.

Use Paste Special if the entries need amending before being pasted.

24EditPasteSpecial Edit, Paste special

Insert entries from the clipboard after the entry with focus, changing certain features with Paste special.

Edit, Paste as variable(s)

Insert variables from the clipboard after the entry with focus.  The variables pasted will refer to the entries on the clipboard.  The entries on the clipboard should normally have been copied from the same project.

Pasted variables will normally be the same type as the entry being pasted.  There is an control to paste single-coded entries as multi-coded variables, see Project global settings.

Edit, Paste combine into one variable

Insert a combined variable after the entry with focus.  All the entries on the clipboard are put together (concatenated) to make a new multi-coded variable.  Entries on the clipboard generate responses in the new variable as follows:

Single-coded and multi-coded - all responses with allocated text are copied to the variable

Integer, float, date and time entries - a single response is added testing entry greater than zero

Character entry - a single response is added testing entry not empty (has text)

Filter entry - a single response is added testing if the filter is true

For single-coded and multi-coded entries, if the first response text used does not have a header, then the entry text is used as a header for this first response.

This option is useful for building breakdowns for analysis.

Edit, Paste before > Paste before

Insert entries from the clipboard above the entry with focus, see "Paste" above.

Edit, Paste before > Paste special before

Insert entries from the clipboard above the entry with focus, see "Paste special" above.

Edit, Paste before > Paste as variable(s) before

Insert variables from the clipboard above the entry with focus, see "Paste as variable(s)" above.

Edit, Paste before > Paste combine before

Insert variables from the clipboard above the entry with focus, see "Paste combine into one variable" above.

Edit, Delete

Remove selected entries.  The entries are permanently removed from the project

If you accidentally delete entries you will need to open the last QDF version in the Archive sub-folder and copy and paste them.

24MoveUp Edit, Move > Up

Move all selected entries one space up the list of entries.

24MoveDown Edit, Move > Down

Move all selected entries one space down the list of entries.

EditUpdate Edit, Update

Change the selected entries with the Entry details window.

Edit, Move > To top

Move all selected entries to the start of the list of entries.

Edit, Move > To bottom

Move all selected entries to the end of the list of entries.

Edit, Rename

Change the name of the selected entries and all references to them with Entry rename.

Edit, Convert variables to questions

This is used to convert selected variables into questions. This can be useful when cleaning data using variables with a copy of the project file.

IMPORTANT: The variables must be stored in data for this option to work.

Edit, Select all

Highlight all entries in the current project.

Edit, Select by criteria

Choose specific types of entries to select with Entry select.

24TextFindReplace Edit, Text find and replace

This is used to make global changes to entry texts with Text find and replace.

24BlockUpdateResponses Edit, Block update responses

Change multiple questions responses with Responses block update.  This is used to add or remove supplemental rejects or to set score values on many questions simultaneously.

Edit, Applied filters block update

Apply filters to all the relevant selected entries on the Main window using Applied filters block update.

Edit, Replace multi-coded with single-coded

This will replace selected multi-coded questions with a set of single-coded questions that use the same data location space.  The new questions have all the same settings and responses as the original multi-coded question.

A multi-coded variable is also produced that combines the responses from the single-coded questions.  This new variable has the same name as the original multi-coded question so that any references to that question are still valid.

It will generate the same number of single-coded questions as the Max responses allowed numbered 1 upwards.

You can elect to number the new questions with only those responses that have text allocated.  In this case a new question will be created for each allocated response.

This option will only convert questions with "data width" and "max responses allowed" set.

Edit, Randomise questions

Add or remove random begin and end program entries using Randomise questions.

Edit, Group entries

Create named groups of entries using Group entries.

Edit, Hide groups

Hide named groups of entries using Hide groups.

Edit, Change column identifiers on selected entries

This can be used to remove existing column identifiers or add/replace column identifiers to all the columns in the selected questions and variables.

If there are not enough letters left for a new block of columns under a header then it starts again with the letter (a).

If a block of columns under a header has more than 26 columns then:

If Max characters in column identifiers in Project global settings is 1, then no identifiers are added to the block and an error log is produced.

If Max characters in column identifiers in Project global settings is 2 or more, then two character identifiers will be used.

EntryQuestion Insert, Question entry

Adds a new question entry after the entry with focus with the Entry details window.

Insert, Question entry before

Adds a new question entry before the entry with focus with the Entry details window.

Insert, Add question entries from imported text

Adds new question entries using text loaded from outside Companion.  This uses the Entry details window and Questions from text.

EntryFilter Insert, Filter entry

Adds a new filter entry to the project with the Entry details window.  Filter entries are placed following the last entry to which they refer.

Insert, Create filter entries from responses

Creates a number of filters from the responses to a single-coded or multi-coded entry, see Create filters.

EntryVariable Insert, Variable entry

Adds a new variable entry to the project with the Entry details window.

Insert, Make grid variables

Used to create grid variables for the production of grid tables.

You are asked whether to include column identifiers in the new grid variable used for the columns.

You need to select one or more entries before using this option.

The pair of variables created will have special VGRID names and will always be placed last in the list of entries.

24ProjectGlobal Project, Global settings

Change the global project settings with Project global settings.

24ProjectScan Project, Scan entries for errors

Checks all the entries and reports any mistakes in a Log.

Project, Data locations used

Shows Data locations used.  This can be left open to show the last data location used as a project entries are added.

Project, Output response texts to file

Creates a response text file (multiple entries) containing response texts for all single-coded and multi-coded entries.  See Files, Response text file for the layout used.

Project, Get response texts from file

Requests a response text file containing code frames and updates all the relevant response texts.  See Files, Response text file for the layouts required for this facility.

Project, Output interview texts to file

Produces a CSV file with a de-duped list of all the texts that the CAPI or CATI interviewer will see during an interview, see Entry texts file.

This is useful for translating a copy of a project into another language.

The texts from filters and variables are not normally output because the interviewer will not see them and they therefore do not need to be translated.

Project, Output all entry texts to file

Produces a CSV file with a de-duped list of texts that appear in the project, see Entry texts file.

This is useful for spelling and grammar checking and correcting.

Project, Update all entry texts using file

Finds all the instances of particular texts and replaces them with a revised text, see Entry texts file.

Project, Print questionnaire to file

Outputs a printable questionnaire file with Report file type.  There are a number of built-in outputs:

Interviewer questionnaire with or without data locations

Check questionnaire with or without data locations

Interviewer instructions list

Project, List of entries to file

Creates an OpenXML/Excel file that lists all the entries in the project showing the type, name and text for each.

Project, View selected entries

Creates a text file with full details of all the entries selected on the main window.

Project, Prepare for Classic (shrink widths)

Imported projects may have data location widths too large for Classic programs.  This module reduces the widths and changes the data locations to pick up the right hand portion of any numbers.

Project, Refresh entry list

Redraws the main window entry list.

24SlectedInputTestInput Answers, Selected entries test

This is used to test a section of the questionnaire with the Input data window.  Any entries that are referred to by the selected entries will also be shown during input.

24TestInput Answers, Test input data

This is used to test the questionnaire with the Input data window.

Input options is shown first so that you can choose a paper or CAPI test.

Answers, Input and update live data

This is used for entering or updating live data using the Input data window for paper and CAPI projects.  We recommend using CSV data.

24MakeInput Answers, Make Input file

This creates an Input file (qpsmrinp) that can be opened to enter data, see Make input file.

You do not need a licence to use the Companion to enter data with an Input file (qpsmrinp) in paper or CAPI modes.

Answers, Use Input file to enter data

To select an input file to enter data.

Answers, Extract project from Input file

Use this to get the project (QDF) file that was used for input with this Input file.

Answers, Download all data for study

Used for Android data collection.

Used to download all study data files from the FTP site to a sub-folder and combine them into one new CSV data file.

Answers, Download new data for study

Used for Android data collection.

Used to download study data files not previously downloaded from the FTP site to a sub-folder and add them to and existing data file.

Answers, Combine data files

Used to combine input data files together for analysis, see Combine data files.

Answers, Selected character questions to responses

For each character question selected, a single-coded variable will be created after it that picks up each unique text in the chosen data file, ignoring case.

The variable will have the same name as the question with "V" at the front.

If the variable already exists, the any new texts that are found in the chosen data file are added to the end of the response list.

Answers, Get combinations in data from multi

This creates a variable with a response for every combination in the multi-coded entry chosen, using the Response combinations.

Answers, Make QIF for Classic Input

To create an input file for use with the Classic Input program, see Make QIF.

Data, Refresh data file

This reads and saves a data file keeping the original version in the Archive folder.

This will clean, sort and compact the data file honouring all filters in the project.

24CheckDataX2 Data, Check data file

Checks a data file and reports mistakes with Data check.

Data, Copy check and and convert data file

Use this to convert a single data file to another file type.

This option loads and checks the data before saving to the new file.

Note that to convert raw data from character to binary (or vice versa) you will need to convert to a CSV file first and then use another project file to make the new file.

See also Convert fixed data for converting the type of encoding used for a fixed format data file.

Data, Update data file

Opens the Data view window and sets "update allowed".

Data, Merge data files

To add or change data for existing records using a merge file with Data merge.

Data, Weight data file

Calculate respondent weights for an existing data file with the Weight data window.

24ViewDataX2 Data, View data file

View and edit an existing data file with the Data view window.

Data, View data file, selected entries only

View and edit an existing data file with the Data view window.

Data, Export to a similar project

This opens a data file and then requests a similar compatible project file for the data to be used with.  A new data file is then saved using the data structure in the other project file.

A compatible project is one where the questions and responses are the same but the data structure and layout are different.

24ExportDataX2 Data, Export data

Output the contents of an existing data file with Data export.

Data, Export coding file for selected entries

This will output a named coding (verbatim) file containing text for all character and verbatim questions selected on the main window.

Data, Data ready list

This opens Data ready list to show data files that have been loaded in this session.

You may wish to do this if you have opened large data files that you will not need to refer to again in this session.

Data, Empty data ready list

This removes all loaded data files that are not currently in use.  If any of the data files are opened again, the program will reread the raw data files.

If a large file has been read and you know it will not be needed again this will free up the memory used.

CATI, Create quota file

This requires a CATI licence.

This creates a quota file from all the single-coded entries that are marked as "Use for quota".

CATI, View quota file

This requires a CATI licence.

This opens a quota file to view its contents.

CATI, Edit quota file

This requires a CATI licence.

This creates a quota file from all the single-coded entries that are marked as "Use for quota".

CATI, Create sample data file

This requires a CATI licence.

This creates a sample data file and index from a spreadsheet containing the sample data.

CATI, Add to sample data file

This requires a CATI licence.

This adds data to an existing sample data file and index from a spreadsheet containing the sample data.  Interviewing should not be in progress when this is used.

CATI, Sample index report

This requires a CATI licence.

Produces a summary OpenXML (Excel) report from a CATI sample index file (.qsp) and an optional list of records in the file.

If the telephone numbers are encrypted then they will not be shown on the list unless the password used to encrypt them is given.

It is safe to use this report whilst interviewing is taking place.

CATI, Refresh sample file

This requires a CATI licence.

This rebuilds the sample data file and index and would normally only be used when there is a problem with the index file.

Interviewing should not be in progress when this is used.

CATI, Current data copy

This will ask for the QIF file used by QPSMR Telin and save the Current data to a new CSV data file.  The default file name will end with "Current data".

CATI, Export current data

This will ask for the QIF file used by Telin and collect the Current data and enter Data export to export the data.  The default file name will end with "Current data Export".

The export details can saved and loaded  as normal but the data will need to be collected using this menu each time.

CATI, Latest status report

This will ask for the QIF file used by Telin and count the status (ZZZEND) of each current record.

CATI, Appointment lists

This will ask for the QIF file used by Telin and list all appointments in the Partial file except for any partial records currently locked.

CATI, Call outcomes report

This will ask for the QIF file used by Telin and count all the call results (ZZZSR and ZZZLR) for the current records.

CATI, Serial number lists, Errors only

This will ask for the QIF file used by Telin and list any problems with serial numbers in the CATI data files.  If CATI is in progress then it may report lost records for any partial records currently locked.

CATI, Serial number lists, Full list

This will ask for the QIF file used by Telin and list all records serial numbers in the CATI data files.  If CATI is in progress then it may report lost records for any partial records currently locked.

CATI, Encrypt sample numbers

This requires a CATI licence.

Reads a Spreadsheet sample data file and encrypts the telephone numbers.

CATI, Decrypt sample numbers

This requires a CATI licence.

Reads a Spreadsheet sample data file and decrypts the telephone numbers.

This will require a project with the keys created when the file was encrypted and will also need the password that was used.

CATI, Get keys from another project

This requires a CATI licence.

This retrieves the encryption keys set in another project and puts them in this project.

CATI, Make QIF for Classic Telin

This requires a CATI licence.

To create an input file for use with the Classic Telin program, see Make QIF.

Analysis, Summary report

Produces a "top line" or "frequency count" on a data file with Data summary.

Analysis, Combinations report

Produces a report of all the combinations found in data file for the selected multi-coded entries.

The report shows the number of records with each combination of responses.

24DDD Analysis, Data drill down

Used to interrogate a data file with the Data drill down window.

24MakeAnalysis Analysis, Make analysis file

Used to create an Analysis file (qpsmran).

You will be asked for a data file, and this data will be included in the analysis file along with the entry details.

Analysis, Use analysis file

To select an analysis file to drill down into the data.

Analysis, Default formats

This will invoke Format options to set formats for the project.

Whenever a new QTF is created the default formats will be preset in the newly created QTF global settings.

Default formats will also be passed over to Reflect files created from the project.

Analysis default spreadsheet options, Set global defaults

Use to set the default spreadsheet options for all projects.  These will be replaced by local defaults if set in the project folder or by specific settings for individual tables files.

Analysis default spreadsheet options, Remove global defaults

This deletes the default spreadsheet options for all projects.  The settings in the program will be used instead unless replaced by local defaults if set in the project folder or by specific settings for individual tables files.

Analysis default spreadsheet options, Set local defaults

Use to set the default spreadsheet options for projects in the current folder only.  These override the global defaults and may be replaced by specific settings for individual tables files.

Analysis default spreadsheet options, Remove local defaults

This deletes the default spreadsheet options for projects in the current folder only.  The global default settings will be used unless replaced by specific settings for individual tables files.

EntryTable Analysis, Tables setup QTF

Used to create, update, and run tables with Tables setup.

When used it asks for the tables file to be used.  To create a new tables file just cancel the file open request.

Analysis, Summary setup QTF

If a new tables file is created when Tables setup is started, or you cancel the open,  this will create tables ready to run a summary count.

If you open an existing QTF when Tables setup is started this menu item is the same as the previous menu item.

Analysis, Run tables QTF

This checks and runs a tables file and produces an Excel/OpenXML file.

WARNING: this will not use a weighting (.wgt) file.  Respondent weighting should be done using the facilities in this program.

WARNING: this version will not recognise a grid table.

You are asked whether you want the tables in one sheet or each table in a separate sheet.

The Tables CSV output will be converted to Excel/OpenXML (see Convert CSV tables below).

Analysis, Reflect export

Used to create a Reflect (.qrfx) file with its associated internal CL files.

NOTE: A better facility is in the Tables setup [Global] menu which allows more than one data file to be used and copies the tables setup file.

You are asked for the data file to use for the export.

The output Reflect files are placed in a sub-folder called Reflect.

CL, CL online manual

Use this to view the online manual for CL script syntax.

CL, Preprocessor run

This asks for a CL setup file (.stp), executes all the preprocessor commands, and outputs a file (.stpn) with all the preprocessor code dealt with.

This uses the Companion preprocessor which has fewer limits than QPSMR CL.


If you have a CL licence you can run a complete STP.

Any Tables CSV output will be converted to Excel/OpenXML, see Spreadsheet options.

WARNING: do not use with RCP O (Output).

IMPORTANT: You should use RCP CSV2I... in STPs to put information lines into the CSV tables which Companion can use to get the formats.

CL, Convert CSV tables

This converts a tables CSV file produced by the Classic programs to Excel/OpenXML, see Spreadsheet options.

Using formats SMA'+'/SMB'+' cells will be coloured green (significantly better) or red (significantly worse).

IMPORTANT: You should use RCP CSV2I... in STPs to put information lines into the CSV tables which Companion can use to get the formats to use.  If using Classic Insight or CATI, set "Information lines" in tables global.


IMPORTANT: You do not need a project to use the raw menu. You can use the raw menu from any project including an empty one (no entries) and it will look for files and save files in the folder of the opened project.

Raw, File encoding check

To check whether a file has a BOM (Byte Order Mark) and to check for encoding in files without a BOM, see Encoding for more information.

If more than one file is chosen a report is produced with the list of files with their encoding.

Raw, Data file view

To inspect and modify raw data files with the Raw data view window.

Also used to produce a "hole count" and to globally set or change serial numbers.

Raw, CSV file view

To inspect and modify CSV files with the Raw CSV file view window.

Raw, Clipboard spreadsheet view

To inspect spreadsheet data copied to the clipboard with the Raw CSV file view window.   This view assumes that the data does not include a header row.

Raw, Combine Verbatim.csv files

The verbatim files to combine must all be in the same folder. Select all the files you want to combine and then choose a name for the combined file.

Tools, Activate licence

This is used to activate a licence that has been supplied by a dealer with Licence details.

Tools, Licences check

This is used to inspect all the activated licences on this computer with Licence check.

Tools, Options

Change the program settings with Options settings.

Tools, Preserve main window column widths

If you have adjusted the widths of the columns on the main window you can preserve them so that every time you open the program the widths will be set as they are now.

Help, Contents

View Help File Contents page.

Help, Help about

Information about the version of the program that you are running.

Help, Check for updates

Checks the version of the program that you are running and notifies if there are any updates.