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Icons can also be found in window toolbars.

Program icons

Companion  Companion program.

32CompanionDialog  Companion windows boxes.

File type icons

Classic  QDF file.

DataAscii  ASC data file.

DataBinary  CBA data file.

Entry type icons

EntryQuestion  Question entry.

EntryFilter  Filter entry.

EntryVariable  Variable entry.

EntryProgramBeg  Program entry begins.

EntryProgramEnd  Program entry ends.

Response type icons

EntryResponseSingle  Single-coded response.

EntryResponseMulti  Multi-coded response.

EntryResponseSupplemental  Supplemental reject response.

EntryResponseRefuse  Refused response.

Project global icons

24ProjectGlobal  Project global setting.

DataLineFixed  This line must be present in every record (data as cards).

DataLineOptional  This line is optional (data as cards).

Paste special icons

24EditPaste  This entry name is OK (not already used).

EditPasteDuplicate  Entry name already in use in project (duplicate entry name).

EditPasteProgram  Program name is used elsewhere (duplicate program entry names are allowed).

EditReference  Referenced entry is present in this project.

EditReferenceFaultyAll  Referenced entry is not present in this project.

EditReferenceFaultySome  Some of the references to this entry are not valid (not used in this version).

Text box indicator icons

ContentsYes  Contents are present.

ContentsNo  Contents are incorrect.

ContentsEmpty  Contents are not present.

Definition icons

LogicalYes  Definition correct.

LogicalNo  Definition faulty.

LogicOp  AND or OR in logic definition.

LogicSpecial  True, False or Reject special definition.

ArithConstant  Constant number in arithmetic.

ArithOp  Plus, minus, multiply, or divide in arithmetic.

EditLockOn  Text is locked and will not be replaced when the definition is changed.

EditLockOff  Text is not locked and will be replaced when the definition is changed.

Data prepare icons

ListSelectedNo  File is not selected.

ListSelectedYes  File is selected.

Licensed module icons

LicenceFree  Module is free to use.

LicencePaid  Module is licensed.

LicenceNotPaid  Module not licensed.

LicenceNotAvailable  Module not available.

LicenceObsolete  Module is obsolete.

OldNotAvailable  Old module (not available).

OldObsolete  Old module (obsolete).