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Icons can also be found in window toolbars.
Companion program.
Companion windows boxes.
QDF file.
ASC data file.
CBA data file.
Question entry.
Filter entry.
Variable entry.
Program entry begins.
Program entry ends.
Single-coded response.
Multi-coded response.
Supplemental reject response.
Refused response.
Project global setting.
This line must be present in every record (data as cards).
This line is optional (data as cards).
This entry name is OK (not already used).
Entry name already in use in project (duplicate entry name).
Program name is used elsewhere (duplicate program entry names are allowed).
Referenced entry is present in this project.
Referenced entry is not present in this project.
Some of the references to this entry are not valid (not used in this version).
Contents are present.
Contents are incorrect.
Contents are not present.
Definition correct.
Definition faulty.
AND or OR in logic definition.
True, False or Reject special definition.
Constant number in arithmetic.
Plus, minus, multiply, or divide in arithmetic.
Text is locked and will not be replaced when the definition is changed.
Text is not locked and will be replaced when the definition is changed.
File is not selected.
File is selected.
Module is free to use.
Module is licensed.
Module not licensed.
Module not available.
Module is obsolete.
Old module (not available).
Old module (obsolete).