<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Reference Manual > Windows and dialog boxes > Main window > Main window status bar |
This is the status bar for the Main window. It has two rows of information:
This shows:
•The number of entries currently selected; the Edit menu is used to alter all the selected entries
•The data location setting in Project, Global settings; this shows who is responsible for the data locations for questions
•The raw data type, Character or Binary
•The raw data structure, one line or multiple lines per questionnaire
•The record length, the maximum characters or columns in a line or card
•The code order, normally 1234567890; for Binary it may be VX0123456789 or 1234567890XV
•The serial number data locations, where the serial number is stored in the raw data
You can click in the information shown:
Clicking the first item will alternately select all entries and then no entries.
Clicking the other entries cause Project global settings to appear.
This shows:
•The initial letters of key information shown in full above in the first row
•If the project has been changed and is, therefore, locked to other users
•The full path of the QDF file being viewed
•The project title
You can click in some of the information shown:
Clicking the first item will cause Project global settings to appear.
Clicking the second item will invoke [File] [Save] to save the project
Clicking the last item will cause Project global settings to appear.