Percentage formats

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Percentage formats

These formats are used to alter the percentages on the table.

CNZ (Character for Nearly Zero)

For spreadsheet output this will only be used if "Use zero formats instead of numeric zero" is set in CSV tables options.

This format is also used for figures that are nearly zero.

This is a character format which sets the character to be used when a percentage is close to zero, and would show as zero, but is not actually zero.

For example:

For whole numbers, values between 0 and 0.5 will use CNZ.

For one decimal place, values between 0.0 and 0.05 will use CNZ.

The default value is CNZ'*'.

If CNZ'0' is used then the percentage will be shown as normal with the relevant number of decimal places.

CZP (Character for Zero Percentages)

For spreadsheet output this will only be used if "Use zero formats instead of numeric zero" is set in CSV tables options.

This is a character format which sets the character to be used when a percentage is zero (not close to zero).

The default value is CZP'-'.

If CZP'0' is used then the value will be shown with the relevant number of decimal places.

DPR (Decimal Places for Ratios)

This is the number of decimal places to show for percentages on a table.

The default value is DPR0.

The value must be set in the range DPR0 to DPR15.

HAL (Horizontal Alignment)

This logical format puts the percentages in a separate column alongside the table figures (raw counts).

The default value is NHAL (false). Use HAL to turn on.

CRH (Cumulative Ratios Horizontal)

This logical format causes percentage figures (RTH) to be cumulative across the table..

The default value is NCRH (false).  Use CRH to get percentages added to all earlier percentages.

CRV (Cumulative Ratios Vertical)

This logical format causes percentage figures (RTV) to be cumulative down the table..

The default value is NCRV (false).  Use CRV to get percentages added to all earlier percentages.

PCB (Percentage Signs below Base)

This logical format puts a row of percentage signs below the total row.

The default value is NPCB (false).  Use PCB to add the row of %s which useful when using formats NPRC and NPCS.

PCS (Percentage Signs)

This logical format puts percentage signs after percentage figures.

The default value is PCS (true).  Use NPCS to remove the % signs.

RBL (Ratios on Base Lines)

This logical format puts the percentages on the base row (or column).  These percentages will normally all be 100%.

The default value is NRBL (false). Use RBL to show these percentages.

RTH (Ratios Horizontal)

This logical format shows the percentages across the table based on the total figure on the left of the row.

The default value is NRTH (false). Use RTH to get these percentages.

RTV (Ratios Vertical)

This logical format shows the percentages down the table based on the total figure on the top of the column.

The default value is RTV (true). Use NRTV to remove these percentages.