Suppress formats

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Suppress formats

These formats are used to remove empty rows, columns, and tables from the output.

BCS (Blank Column Suppress)

This logical format causes any empty columns to be removed from the table.

The default value is NBCS (false). Use BCS to turn on.

If a table is weighted then it is the weighted values that will be checked.

BRS (Blank Row Suppress)

This logical format causes any empty rows to be removed from the table.

The default value is NBRS (false). Use BRS to turn on.

If a table is weighted then it is the weighted values that will be checked.

BTS (Blank Table Suppress)

This logical format causes any empty tables to be removed form the output.

The default value is NBTS (false). Use BTS to turn on.

If a table is weighted then it is the weighted values that will be checked.

CLM (Character for Limit flags)

This character format sets the marker character to show when unweighted cell contents are below the settings of format LMA and LMB.

The default is a less than sign (<).  Early versions used a plus sign (+).

Using a plus sign (+) should be avoided because this character is used for significance testing against the total column and will cause the cells to be coloured green.

CMS (Character for Minimum Show)

This character format sets the character to show when cell contents are hidden because the cell value (unweighted) is less than that set in Project global settings [General] tab.

The default is a tilde (~).

To set the display to the default in earlier versions, which was two less than signs (<<), use format CMS'D'.

DIS (Distrubution)

This logical format causes rows to be output for all values found when a value is used as the rows of a table.

The default value is DIS (true). Use NDIS to only show the statistics (mean score only).

LMA (Limit A flag)

This numeric format causes any cell with an unweighted figure less that this setting to be marked with the character set in format CLM.

The default value is LMA0 (not used).

The CLM marker will be shown before any significance markers for the cell, with a space between.

LMB (Limit A flag)

This numeric format causes any cell with an unweighted figure less that this setting to be marked with two of the character set in format CLM.

The default value is LMB0 (not used).

If LMB is used (not 0) then the value must be less than the LMA value.

The two CLM markers will be shown before any significance markers for the cell, with a space between.

MCB (Mask Column Base)

This numeric format causes all figures in a column to be masked (replaced with **) if the unweighted base is the MCB setting or less.

The default value is MCB0 (not used).

MCS (Minimum Column Suppress)

This numeric format causes any columns with an unweighted total less than the set value to be removed form the table.

The default value is MCS0 (not used).

The value must be set between MCS0 and MCS10000.

For example MCS5 will cause any column with less than 5 in the unweighted total row to be not shown.

MPS (Minimum Percentage Suppress)

This numeric format causes any rows with a row total less than the set value, divided by 100, to be removed form the table.

The default value is MPS0 (not used).

The value must be set between MPS0 and MPS1000.

For example MPS150 will cause any row with less than 1.5% in the total row to be not shown.

If a table is weighted then it is the weighted values that will be used.

PTB (Print Table)

This logical format causes the table to be output.

It can be turned off for tables that are used to build other tables, or for tables that are no longer wanted.

The default value is PTB (true). Use NPTB to not output the table.

Tables with NPTB are still calculated (incremented) as normal.

IMPORTANT: be careful not to use this globally by mistake because it will produce empty files.