<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Reference Manual > Windows and dialog boxes > Raw data view > Raw data view window menu |
This is the menu for the Raw data view window.
You need to be familiar with User Guide, Handling raw data, Raw data structure.
TIP: You can use this window to add or replace serial numbers in a data file.
Used for opening, saving and closing files:
Close the file currently being viewed and view another data file.
Save and unlock the file. A copy of the unchanged file is put in the Archive sub-folder.
Save the current data file view as a new character data file.
IMPORTANT: You must not do this if the original file was binary and it contains multi-coding. Any multi-coded columns that do not contain valid characters will be lost (set to ASCII character 7F hexadecimal or 127 decimal).
Save the current data file view as a binary file.
This can be used to convert a binary file type, for example open a CBA file and save as a CSI or CBE file.
Close the current window.
If you are unsure whether the file extension was correct you can ask that the program inspects the data file to try and work out the file type from the contents.
The file is read again and treated as the file type most likely from the data file contents.
If you suspect that the data file is being treated incorrectly you can control some aspects of the reading with Raw data treatment.
The file is read again and treated as requested.
You can sort the lines displayed into a different order:
•Sort by position in file
•Sort by serial numbers
•Sort by both serial and card numbers
IMPORTANT: Be careful when saving a file because it is saved exactly as it is shown in the display.
You can highlight certain lines in the display to make it easier to locate lines with faulty structure:
•Highlight faulty serial numbers
•Highlight faulty card numbers
See also [Collate] [Highlight duplicate serial numbers] below.
Groups data records together by serial number.
If multiple lines per questionnaire is set, then the card numbers are also used in the sort and any faulty card number lines are ignored and do not appear in the display.
Extended facilities licence needed.
Clean the collated data structure or replace all the serial numbers, see Raw data tidy.
To add serial numbers to the data file, set the new location for them in Project global settings beforehand. Every record will be faulted during Collate; these errors can be ignored.
This makes it easy to locate duplicate serial numbers in a collated view.
Produces a list of collated serial numbers in a Log. This shows:
•Sequence number of the record (questionnaire)
•Serial number of the record (item)
•Card numbers found in the record if multiple lines per questionnaire is set (details)
See also [Tidy collated file or change serial numbers] below.
Used for changing the data:
This menu item does not yet work in the collated view, and is therefore not often helpful with multiple lines per questionnaire.
You can only search for characters; you cannot look for binary file multi-coding.
This enables you to search for a particular piece of text using the "Find raw" tool window.
You can confine the search to a particular range of data locations.
This menu item does not yet work in the collated view, and is therefore not often helpful with multiple lines per questionnaire.
You can only search and replace text with characters; you cannot use binary file multi-coding.
This enables you to search for a particular piece of text using the "Find raw" tool window and replace it with another piece of text.
You can confine the replace to a particular range of data locations.
Turning this feature on enables you to amend the contents of the data file. Any changes will not be made to the file until you save.
When a character is typed it replaces the character currently selected. This is shown by the intersect lines, see User Guide, Handling raw data, Raw data introduction. For multi-coding hold down the Control key whilst entering the codes on the numeric keypad. Use - (minus) for code V and + (plus) for code X.
Over-typing is not allowed in collated view.
This enables whole lines to be added and deleted.
You cannot add and delete lines in collated view.
Insert a new blank line before the line containing the selected character.
Insert a new blank line after the line containing the selected character.
Delete the line containing the selected character.
Update the view to reflect any changes.
Change the font style and size for the display.
Change the colour used for the intersect lines that show where the selected character is.
You can change the background colours for highlighting the following:
•faulty serials
•faulty cards
•collated duplicates
These will only be used if you have chosen to highlight these with the [Treatment] and [Collate] menus.
Shows the binary character code table in a Log. This is not related to the data being viewed and the list will always be the same; it shows:
•The ASCII decimal value (sequence)
•The character (item)
•The binary codes (VX0123456789) used for this character (details)
•The hexadecimal equivalent of the binary codes in the 12 least most significant bytes
This table is used when converting binary to character and character to binary.
You should usually collate the data before using this option.
Enables you to print the hole count. See Raw data hole count window.