Raw data view window

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Raw data view window

From the Main window menu [Raw] [Data file view] is used to handle raw data files.

This window has a menu with some shortcut keys and a status bar.

This window enables you to view and edit a data file in its raw format, see User Guide, Data, Handling raw data, Raw data introduction.

To see data as answers to questions use Data view instead.

For an overview of the facilities available from this window, see User Guide, Data, Handling raw data, Raw data view.

It is used to view raw data files as they are stored on disk as fixed format character or binary.  This is normally only necessary if the raw data file has come from another program and the contents are uncertain or the structure of the records is faulty.

This window makes no reference to any of the entries in the project.  It only uses Project global settings for the raw data structure.

From here you can access other windows to:

Find and replace

Change the way the file is read

Fix structure errors and replace serial numbers

Get a hole count

The body of this window shows a display of the raw data file contents by data location.

When first invoked it shows the lines of data as they are in the data file.

You can collate the lines to show the records that are present in the data file in serial number order.

You can alter the contents by:

Using find and replace

Typing new characters to replace the existing one shown by the two intersect lines

Use Ins key or Edit menu to add a new blank line after the selected line

Use Shift+Ins key or Edit menu to add a new blank line before the selected line

Use Del key or Edit menu to delete the selected line

To prevent accidental changes to the file:

Over-typing and Replace are not allowed unless [Edit] [Overtyping allowed] is set.

Adding and deleting lines is not allowed unless [Edit] [Insert and delete line allowed] is set.

Intersect lines

If the mouse is positioned in the data display, then intersect lines appear in the window.  These are a thin coloured vertical line and thin coloured horizontal lines.

The intersect lines allow you to follow a particular row or column when scrolling through the data.

They also allow you to examine the contents of a particular place in the data.  The character between the horizontal intersect lines and to the right of the vertical intersect line is the one selected and the status bar shows various information for the column selected, see status bar.

The arrow keys can be used to move the intersect lines in any direction to change the overtype location and the columns displayed in the status bar.


In binary data each column can contain up to 12 codes (&-0123456789) usually called (VX0123456789).

To enter more than one code in a column, hold down the Ctrl (control) key whilst entering the codes using the numeric keypad.

IMPORTANT:  Because & is not on the keypad, a + (plus) is used instead.  Because you may want to enter + as a character, you always need to hold down the control key so that the + is treated as & even if it is the only code in the column.