Response input settings tool window

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Response input settings tool window

This tool window is reached from the Entry details window and is used to allocate report settings to the responses selected in questions.

This tool window remains open until it is closed by the user or the Entry details window itself is closed.

All the question responses selected will be changed by this window.  You can set the following:

Single response only - this is used when you have a responses that, if selected, should be the only response allowed, for example "None of the above"

Fixed position - this is used for responses such as "None" or "Don't know" when these are included in a question with Randomise responses set in the "Settings" tab

Ignore response restrictor - this means that the response is always available during data input, even if a response restrictor specifies that it should not be available

Response filter - this response will only be valid if the applied filter is true, only one response filter is allowed per response using Entry choose; you can drag and drop a filter from the main window entry list to set a response filter

Embedded reject - this response will be selected if no other responses are chosen in input, you can have only one reject response in a question

Refuse input - this means that a response is not valid and is not listed during data input, this can be used to reserve response numbers; these responses will not be allocated a set of columns if "Fixed response locations" is used

Suspend input - this means that this response is no longer valid for data entry but is valid in existing data records

Routing instructions:

oIneligible - the interview will terminate leaving the rest of the questionnaire blank and is marked as "ineligible"

oClose - the interview will terminate leaving the rest of the questionnaire blank and is saved as "successful"

oQuestion - this prints this question name in the appropriate place, using Entry choose

oText - this prints the text specified in the appropriate place

The first two above are used in data input; the other two only appear on the questionnaire document and do not affect data input

Normally only one response should be selected when changing the settings in this tool window.