Response analysis settings tool window

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Response analysis settings tool window

This tool window is reached from the Entry details window and is used to allocate report settings to the responses selected in questions and variables.

This tool window remains open until it is closed by the user or the Entry details window itself is closed.

All the responses selected will be changed by this window.  You can set the following:

Value score: to be used for mean score calculations (averages)

Suppress if zero: do not show this response if it is empty

Suppress always: never show this response, you may want to use this with "Base for following" or with some "Value scores" when you do not want to see the figures

Rank start: begin ranking the responses with this response, ranking is reordering the responses printed so that the response selected most often appears first and the remainder in descending order to the least selected response

Rank finish: stop ranking responses with this response, following responses will not be ranked

Rank level, can be set to a value between 2 and 8 inclusive for multilevel ranking, see below

New page: start a new page (overflow) for this and following responses

Base for following responses: percentages for subsequent responses use this response as the base

No figures: do not show figures (only percentages) for this response

Sum: this adds up all previous rows and adds the total to this response

Ignore for sum: do not include this response in the sum

Some of these settings are only used when the variable is used as the rows of a table.

Normally only one response is selected when changing the settings in this tool window.

TIP: An arithmetic variable can use the SCORE function to get the relevant score value from a single-coded (or multi-coded) entry.  This variable containing the score value can then be used in arithmetic and output.

Sum details

A variable response marked as "Sum" will add up all previous rows starting with the first row after the total, or since the last Sum row.

This option is only available in variables with responses, so you may have to copy questions to variables first.

All rows are included unless "Ignore for sum" is set.  This should be done for any summary rows.

The definition should usually be F (false) because if any data is in this row it will be added to the sum.

In Logic definition user control for variable response Logic definitions there is an "S" button to make this response a Sum row.

The sum will not be used in table columns.

IMPORTANT: The sum is calculated at print time, so is not available for table manipulation.

Multi-level ranking of table rows

Do not use headers when ranking rows except before the first response in the entry.

For multi-level ranking your entry should contain summary responses followed by the responses included in that summary response.

Up to 8 levels of ranking can be used.

Level 1 is the default level and you can select a set of responses to be ranked by setting "Rank start" on the first and "Rank finish" on the last.  Any responses not between a start and finish for a particular level will remain where they are in the list.  You can have more than one set to be ranked separately.

The ranking starts with the highest level, ranking these responses and moving all the responses that follow these responses with them so that they still follow them.  It then ranks the next level down in the same manner, and so on down to the level 1 (default) ranking.