Spreadsheet visuals

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Spreadsheet visuals

This is reached from Spreadsheet options using the "Colours and font sizes" button for the spreadsheet tables output.

These can be set globally as the default house style or for this project only using [Analysis] [Default spreadsheet options].

Each row here controls a different part of the output.

[Default] restores the default setting for this row.

[Cell] is used to set background colour for the cell(s) that contains this text.

[Colour] is used to set the colour for text.

[Border] is used to set the colour for the borders affected.

[Point size] is used to set the size of the text.  Must be set between 5 and 16.

[Bold] if set the text will be bold.

[Italic] if set the text will be italic.

[Right align] only available for column identifiers.

The effect of the settings is shown on the right.

Not all rows have all the settings above.

You can set these for:

Title describing the rows used in the table (vertical title).

Table number.

Title describing who is included in the table (base title).

Row and column header texts including describing the columns used (column title).

Row and column texts.

Column identifiers used for significance testing shown below the columns labels.

Significance markers shown below or alongside the relevant cell.

Unweighted is used for unweighted rows and columns (format UNC) on weighted tables.

Vertical percentages.

Horizontal percentages.

Main border set the colour for the lines used around the table and separating blocks.

Between rows border used between all rows of the table to make scanning rows easier.

Set borders to white (FFFFFFFF) if not wanted

Note that the settings for significance markers will be used when merging markers with the data cells.

Significance test against total colours

Note also that when significance testing is done against the total column, cells within the table will have background colours to show "significant" differences using formats SLA, SLB and SLC. Here are the default colours:

Sig colours

You can change these colours by clicking the displayed colour.

The hexadecimal (ARGB) values for these default colours is:

 Lower  SLA FFFFE4E1

 Lower  SLB FFFFB6C1

 Lower  SLC FFFF6347

 Higher SLA FF98FB98

 Higher SLB FF9ACD32

 Higher SLC FF3CB371


Early versions of the program used these colours:



 Lower  SLC FFFF5F5F


 Higher SLB FF9FFF9F

 Higher SLC FF0FCF0F