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The Command Language is run directly from Windows or by accessing a CL script file. It can also be run from a DOS prompt or BAT file (using START /WAIT), see Running.
The CL script file will normally be created beforehand using Companion or input directly with a line editor (for example Write or Wordpad).
When a CL script is opened it is run, see [File] [Run script].
[File] [Open script from list]
Used to open a main CL script file from a list of recently accessed scripts.
[File] [Open local script]
Used to open a CL script file from the startup or current directory.
[File] [Run script]
This runs the CL script.
You will be prompted for certain Run Control Parameters.
[File] [Exit from CL]
This is used to leave CL. If you have problems with CL (usually after a PP fatal error) then close the CL window and open it again.
This is used to alter the CL script file and certain output files. The editor used is selected from the menu using [Options] [Program for Edit].
This is used to view, then print or export the output files. You will need to create PRS files from the menu before you can print from the view windows. The editor used is selected from the menu using [Options] [Program for View].
[View] [Other files]
This is used to view files which do not have the prefix for the open CL script.
[View] [Internal]
This is used to view the variables used in each stage and the variable texts.
See View internal
This is used to print the output files without looking at them first. You will need to create PRS files from the menu before you can print from the view windows.
[Data] [Convert raw data]
This is used to convert binary data files from one method of storage to another. It should also be used to determine a data file type if this is unknown.
See section Data - convert raw data.
[Data] [Export data]
This is used to export the data from the data stage. Use View to export tables.
See section Export overview
[Options] [Program for view]
This is used to set the executable program used to view CL files outside of CL.
[Options] [Program for edit]
This is used to set the executable program used to alter CL files outside of CL.
[Options] [Program for CSV]
This is used to set the executable program used to alter CL CSV files outside of CL.
[Options] [Print styles]
This is used to create and modify print style files (PRS).
For information about setting print styles see section Define a print style
[Options] [Print style folder]
This is used to set the directory where print styles are to be stored.
[Options] [Scripts folder]
This is used to set the directory where projects are stored. Browsing for a CL script will begin here.
[Modules] [DOS partition]
This is used to access the DOS programs. It opens up a DOS partition in the project directory where the main CL script file is. Uses a file called DOSPRMPT.PIF to run DOS; this file is supplied with early Windows versions. For later Windows releases (2000, XP) you will need to copy cmd.exe (usually in C:\Windows\System32) and rename the copy as dosprmpt.pif.
Accesses the help files.