Coding introduction

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Coding introduction

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Coding is a process of allocating verbatim or character answers to responses in a code list.

For fixed format data verbatim answers will be stored in a separate Verbatim file.

Once the answers to a verbatim question have been coded, they can be analysed in the same way as ordinary pre-coded questions with a list of possible responses on the questionnaire.

The code list consists of responses to a (usually) multi-coded question which is either:

A question with an "Other" code which filters to the Verbatim question

A new question created to accept the coded responses

"Other" code

If a verbatim question is used to collect "other" codes where there are already some pre-coded responses then:

The "Other" response should be near the end of the response list with enough reserved responses before it to accept the coded responses.

A question routing should be used from the "other" response in the original question to the verbatim question.  This will be used if the original question is used in a carry forward text.

The verbatim question should have its "Code to" set to the original question.

When coding the verbatim, the "Value" column will normally start with -n, where n is the response number of the "Other" response.  This removes the "Other" response from the data and replaces it with the new coded response.

New question

If the verbatim answers are to be coded into a brand new question (no pre-coded) then:

The new question should be added at design time but set to "Suspend" so that it is not seen during the interview.

The verbatim question should have its "Code to" set to the new question.

Coding from paper questionnaires

For paper questionnaires it may be easier to code the verbatim answers onto the paper documents before entering the data.  It may then not be necessary to enter the verbatim answers at all.

Coded data input

Use Data merge to add the coded answers to the data file. The coded responses are added from the "Value" column.