Combine formats

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Combine formats

These formats are used when combining tables together.

Format CON is used to put tables with the same columns together.

Formats ITB, ITC, and ITR are used when overlaying tables (adding tables together) or when using table manipulation.

CON (Continuation)

This logical format causes this table to be added to the bottom of the previous table.

The default value in NCON (false). Use CON to put the rows from this table immediately underneath the previous table.

The number of columns in the two tables must be the same.  If they are not then CON will be ignored.

ITB (Increment Table)

This logical format causes the table to be incremented (records added to cells).

The default value is ITB (true). Use NITB to create a table without adding any figures to it.

Empty tables can be created and then other tables overlaid onto it to add the figures.  Manipulation can also be used to add figures to a table.

ITC (Increment Total Column)

This logical format causes the total column to be incremented (records added to the total column).

The default value is ITC (true). Use NITC to create a table without adding any figures to the total column.

When overlaying tables it is sometimes necessary to only add to the total column on the first table to avoid duplication.

ITR (Increment Total Row)

This logical format causes the total row to be incremented (records added to the total row).

The default value is ITR (true). Use NITR to create a table without adding any figures to the total row.

When overlaying tables it is sometimes necessary to only add to the total row on the first table to avoid duplication.