Ranking formats

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Ranking formats

These formats are used to sort the rows or columns of a table into descending or ascending order.

Usually the figures in the total row or column is used for the reordering.

NOTE: Normal tables using a single-coded or multi-coded entry will only be ranked if Rank begin and Rank end are used on the entry responses.

IMPORTANT: some statistics (ILE/ILH/ILL/MED/MOD) only work if RNA is used and will not work if RNK2 is used.

RNA (Rank in Ascending order)

This logical format causes the rows to be ranked smallest value first.  Normally they are ranked highest value first.

The default value id NRNA (false).  Use RNA to sort in ascending order.

RNB (Rank Banner (columns))

This logical format causes the columns of a table to be ranked.

The default value is RNB (true).  Use NRNB to prevent reordering of columns.

Normal tables will only be ranked if Rank begin and Rank end are used on the entry responses.

RNC (Rank using Column)

This numeric format causes the rows of a table to be ranked based on the values in column referred to.

The default value is RNC0 (use total column).

The value must be set between RNC0 and RNC1000.

For example, RNC2 will cause the rows to be ranked according to the figures in the second column of the table (excluding the total column).

Normal tables  will only be ranked if Rank begin and Rank end are used on the entry responses.

RNK (Rank rows)

This numeric format causes the rows of a table to be ranked based on the values in column referred to.

The default value is RNK1 (normal row ranking).  Use RNK0 to prevent row ranking.

The value must be set between RNK0 and RNK2.

RNK2 is only used for tables with rows as values and causes the rows to be ranked in descending order (the reverse of RNA), but see note above about some statistics.

Normal tables  will only be ranked if Rank begin and Rank end are used on the entry responses.

RNS (Rank Summary tables)

This numeric format causes tables combined with format CON to be ranked.  This reorders the tables, not the rows within those tables.

The default value is RNS0 (no table ranking).

The value must be set between RNS0 and RNS2.

RNS1 is used for normal tables and reorders the tables based on the figure in the first row of the table.

RNS2 is used for mean score summary tables and reorders the tables based on the mean scores (averages).

The same RNS value must be used on all the tables involved including the first (not CON) table.

IMPORTANT: the first table (not CON) will not be moved and should be used to create the titles and column labels for the table.  This first table will not normally have any rows other that the total rows.