Extended facilities

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Extended facilities

There are a number of extended facilities for larger projects.  You need an extended or CATI licence to use these facilities:

Block update of responses

You can use Responses block update to update a lot of entries at the same time to:

Add or remove supplemental reject responses

Add or remove refuse settings to responses without any text

Add or remove score values

Add or remove ranking settings

Add summary responses, for example top 2 on rating scales

Paste special block replace

You can use Block replace in Paste special to rename a lot of references simultaneously before pasting, using simple or regular expressions.

Data extract CSV

You can use use Data extract to get selected information from a CSV file and sort it.

Raw data tidy

You can use Raw data tidy to tidy up a raw data file (character or binary), including making sure records have unique serial numbers.

CL menu

All of the main menu [CL] options are available.