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From the Main window menu select the relevant questions and then [Edit] [Block update responses] is used to alter the questions.
This enables you to change a number of single-coded and multi-coded questions at the same time.
IMPORTANT: The responses are not changed until you [Apply changes].
When you apply changes, all selected questions with a supplemental reject response will have that response deleted from the response list.
When you apply changes, a supplemental reject response is added to all the selected questions.
The text to be allocated for all these added responses is given, for example "No answer".
You can set Zero suppress for these supplemental rejects so that they will not appear in reports if they are empty.
IMPORTANT: a reject response will not be added to any question that already has a reject response in the response list.
IMPORTANT: The responses are not changed until you [Apply changes].
When you apply changes, all responses in the selected questions with a refuse input setting that have a response text allocated will have the refuse setting removed.
When you apply changes, all responses in the selected questions without a refuse input setting that do not have a response text allocated will have the refuse setting added.
IMPORTANT: The responses are not changed until you [Apply changes].
The selected questions are first inspected and any questions that have identical response lists are grouped together.
The groups are listed showing the number of responses and the first and last response texts for each.
You can select one or more of these groups in order to allocate the same score values to all the questions in them. If more than one group is selected they must all have the same number of responses, but the response texts can be different.
Once a group (or groups) is selected the responses are listed. You can then select a response and for every question in the group or groups:
•Type in a score value for this response
•Ascending - the following response and each response in turn after that is given a score value one higher than the previous response in the list
•Descending - the following response and each response in turn after that is given a score value one lower than the previous response in the list
•Use texts - for this and following responses the score value will be set to the first number found in each response text, for example, if the response text is "3 cars" the score value is set to 3; if a second value is found in the text then the score value is set to the midpoint, for example, if the text is "Used 13 - 16" the score value will be set to 14.5
•Remove - delete the score value on the selected response
IMPORTANT: The responses are not changed until you [Apply changes].
This can be used to remove all Rank begin and Rank end settings on responses in the selected entries.
This is used to add a single Rank begin and Rank end to all the relevant selected entries. Questions and variables are normally treated differently:
Question response ranking ignores any responses at the top that are marked as fixed or single code only, and stops before any that are similarly marked, or before a supplemental reject response.
Variable response ranking starts at the first response and stops leaving the requested number of responses not ranked at the end.
This can only be used with multi-coded variables.
IMPORTANT: The responses are not changed until you [Apply changes].
Used to add summary responses to similar existing variables. This tab will only change selected variables and is used to add summary responses to all those variables. It can also be used to move responses in all the variables.
A list of responses is shown with the texts and any score values.
If any of the selected variables has more responses than the others, these additional responses are not accessible.
If any of the variables have score values then all the score values must be the same in each variable.
Any number of responses can be selected and the selections do not need to be consecutive.
For variables with score values the buttons [First], [Middle], and [Last] become active and only responses with a score value can be selected.
For variables with 5 score values there are buttons to create responses for the "First 2", "Middle 1" and "Last 2". The "2", "1" and "2" can be changed and the default settings will change for variables with more score values.
There is also a button to select "All" the responses. Unless you have checked "Allow all responses to be selected" any responses without a text will not be selected.
You will be told how many responses have been selected.
Enter the text for the new summary response.
If you used the Top, Middle, or Bottom buttons standard texts will be generated which can be changed if required.
The new response will show the number of respondents who are in one or more of the selected responses.
If you select a summary response you have created here you can change the text for the response.
You can delete a summary response you have created here by selecting it and using this button.
After creation the new summary response will be selected and it can be moved using the Up, Down, Top, and Bottom buttons.
You can also use these buttons to move any responses that are selected in the list.
When this button is used all the selected variables will be altered at the same time.