Logic definition user control

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Logic definition user control

This user control appears in many places where a logic definition is needed to define a subset of the data.

It has the following tab pages:

Filter tab

Special buttons

T (true) meaning set the definition to everybody

F (false) meaning set the definition to nobody

S (sum) meaning show the sum of the previous rows (only in a variable response definition)

R (reject) meaning select if all other responses are false (only in a variable response definition)

These are quick ways to set the definition, text, and sometimes the Response analysis settings tool window options.

Logic definition

New users are advised to use the "Tests" tab page to define logic definitions until they are familiar with the syntax required.

This describes the respondents that pass the filter (when the logic definition is true).

For an introduction, see User Guide, Project components, Logic definition.

For details on the syntax used, see Definitions, Logic definitions.

Logic definitions may be typed in upper or lower case and you may leave spaces (blanks) where you like.


Text that describes the definition is shown and can be changed.

If you modify the definition then the text will change to represent the new definition.  There is a lock button to prevent the text being replaced when the definition is changed

You can use a special undo button to restore the text to one that was displayed previously without altering the definition.

Tests tab

This tab contains a list of the tests that make up the logic definition.  The list contains tests, logical operators and priority markings.

There are buttons to insert new tests and to edit tests that are already in the list.  Tests are created and changed with Entry choose and Select test.

Priority markers can be added or removed by selecting two or more tests.

Order tab

If the filter definition contains more than one test, a pictorial representation of the order of processing is shown.

Other resources for logic definition user controls

Other relevant topics will depend on which window you are using at the time:

In a filter entry

For general help on the Entry details window, see Entry details overview and the Entry details toolbar.

For details about the body of this window for filters, see Entry details filter.

This window enables you to create or amend a filter entry.

You cannot change the name of an existing filter, from the Main window use [Edit] [Rename] instead.

If you change the logic definition of a filter it will be moved to follow the last entry referred to.

In a variable response

For general help on the Entry details window, see Entry details overview and the Entry details toolbar.

For details about the body of this window, see Entry details variable.

This window enables you to create or amend a response in a variable entry.

In reports

This defines a subset of the respondents who will be included in the analysis.