Entry details window - variable

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Entry details window - variable

This describes the body (most of) the Entry details window when looking at a variable entry.

This window enables you to create or amend a variable, using the following tabs:

Variable tab

This tab has the basic information about the variable entry:


The variable name is used to identify the entry, see Entry name rules.

It is usually also shown with the text in reports.

You cannot change the name for an existing entry, use Entry rename from the Main window menu instead.


The type of answer, see Variable types.


In CATI projects you can specify that this question is a:

Sample point entry - used to control which sample records are to be selected

Quota point entry - used to stop interviewing when a specified number of interviews have been completed for each response.

Ignore case when testing characters

If this is set then the case (upper, lower, or mixed) is ignored when testing character questions.  For example, "$title/'MR'" will be true if title is MR, mr, or Mr.

Allow forward references

This setting stops error messages for references to entries that are after this variable in the project.

This is sometimes needed in randomised sets of questions to enable it to look all the randomised entries including later ones that may be moved during input to before this entry.  Any entries referred to that have not been reached yet will be empty (blank).

Structure and data locations

Depending on the question type selected:

Width (number of data locations)

Max responses allowed (for multi-coded)

Decimal places (for float)

First data location


This describes the contents.  See Entry rules, Text rules.


For integer and float variables a user control is used to define the arithmetic definition and the text for the variable.

See the separate section for a description of an Arithmetic user control.


For convenience the responses to single-coded and multi-coded variables are shown on this tab.  Clicking in this response list will switch the view to the "Responses" tab where responses can be added and altered.

Filters tab

This tab has a list of the filters applied to the variable, see User Guide, Project definition, Filters, Applying a filter for more details.

Response filters cannot be applied to a variable.

You can set a base text (filter description) to use if more than one question filter is applied.  For analysis this text will be used instead of the text in the filters applied to the entry.

The toolbar and context menu enable you to:


AppliedWhole Apply a filter to the whole entry with Entry choose.

AppliedWholeNot Apply a negative (NOT) filter to the whole entry with Entry choose.

EditSelectAll Select all the applied filters.

24EditCut Cut selected applied filters to clipboard.

24EditCopy Copy selected applied filters to clipboard.

24EditPaste Paste applied filters from clipboard.

You can also drag entries from the main window and drop them into the list.  This will add them to any filters already present.

If all the applications are selected then copy (and paste) will also copy the base text.

If more than one filter is applied, they are sorted into entry sequence order.

Responses tab

This tab has the response list for a variable.  For a description of a response see User Guide, Project components, Responses.

The toolbar and context menu enables you to:

EntryResponsesAdd Add a block of responses after the selected response using Responses add.

EntryResponseInsert Insert a new response after the selected response.

EntryResponseInsertBefore Insert a new response before the selected response.

EntryResponsesReverse Reserve responses at the end of the response list.

EditSelectAll Select all the responses.

24EditCutCut selected responses to clipboard.

24EditCopy Copy selected responses to clipboard.

24EditPaste Paste responses from clipboard after the response with focus.

MoveUp To move all selected responses one space up the list of responses.

MoveDown To move all selected responses one space down the list of responses.

EntryResponseFirst Select the first response in the response list.

EntryResponsePrevious Select the response above the currently selected response (previous).

EntryResponseNext Select the response below the currently selected response (next).

EntryResponseLast Select the last response in the response list.

16EntryResponsesFalse Make all selected responses false.

Response settings for selected response

Response logic definitions and the response texts are defined with a Logic definition user control which is described in a separate user control section.

Shortcut settings for responses

There are shortcut buttons to make a (usually newly added) response:

F "false" which will be empty (no records)

T "true" into which all respondents (who pass any filter) will go

S "sum" to make this response the sum of the previous responses when used as the rows of a table

R "reject" to include any records not otherwise included in the definition

IMPORTANT: R  "reject" should only be used as the last response.

Analysis settings for selected responses

Individual responses can have analysis settings for reports including a score value for use in mean score calculations. These are allocated using the "Analysis settings" tool window.

You can view the "Response analysis settings" tool window from the Entry details window menu or toolbar.  The tool window remains open until you close it and can be used to change the analysis settings for all the responses highlighted for questions and variables.