Question details

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Question details


The Entry details window has various tabs for question entries.  A list of the information that can be set for a question is:

Basic information

Each question has:


Type, see Project components, Question types

Question text, can include Carry forward text, see also Text rules

Interviewer instructions, can also include carry forward text (optional)

Each question also has some information about how it is to be stored in raw data files:

Width (data locations needed)

Max responses allowed (multi-coded only)

Individual response locations (single-coded and multi-coded only)

First data location (usually set by program)

The last two are not important for CSV data.

See Question data locations for how to allocate the above.

Additional text

Additional text can be added before and after the question on a printed questionnaire.

Applied filters

There is a list of entries that have been applied as filters to this question, see Applying a filter.

This list controls the routing and can include:

Filter entries that determine whether particular respondents see the question

Single-coded and multi-coded entries applied as response restrictors that determine which responses from the response list are available to respondents

Applied filters can be cut, copied and pasted from one entry to another.

Individual responses can also have a filter applied to them.

Miscellaneous settings

Various other settings can be put on a question.  These include:

Data location layout

When the program sets the data locations you can request that this question is placed at the start, middle or end of the data record.

Answer checking

For questions with responses you can set:

Blank is allowed - this question can be left empty when data is entered, for paper projects all questions can be left empty

Randomise response order - except for paper input, the responses to this question will appear in random order

For questions with a value answer you can set:

Minimum value allowed

Maximum value allowed

Plus 3 additional specified values

For questions with textual answers you can set input text to be converted:

As typed

Upper case

Lower case

For integer and character questions you can speed up data entry with:

Move on when full


In CATI projects you can specify that this question is a:

Sample point - used to control which sample records are to be selected

Quota entry - used to stop interviewing when a specified number of interviews have been completed for each response

Preselect from entry

There are two settings:

Preselect that presets the answer to this question from an earlier question or variable, this can save time if the answer is almost always going to be the same as that given earlier

Auto-select causes the question to not be seen at all, the answer is preselected and cannot be changed

Auto-select can be used in order to store a calculated variable in the data.  

The entry used for this must have the same answer type as the question except that an integer entry can be used on a multi-coded question to cause the first few responses to be selected.  This is very useful for CATI projects where the responses can be randomised so that a set number of responses are selected at random.


In a None (text for interviewer) question an image or a video clip can be attached to the question.  The image or clip are shown following the question during data input.

NOTE: TIFF files cannot be used for Android input.

Routing after question

This gives a text to appear on the printed questionnaire to tell the interviewer which question to ask next.  It can be:

Question routing - this prints the question name in the appropriate place

Text routing - this prints the text specified (usually "close") in the appropriate place

IMPORTANT: This will not route past questions in data input or analysis, see Applying a filter.


See Question responses for details about the response list for single-coded and multi-coded questions.