Questions from text

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Questions from text

From the Main window menu [Insert] [Add question entries from imported text] is used to convert a questionnaire document into entries.  From the Main window an Entry details window appears along with this.

This can also be requested directly from an Entry details window.  It enables you to insert text from a document and create questions and responses from it that can be amended if necessary in the Entry details window.

The body (most of the window) of this contains the questionnaire document as plain text or rich text.  Portions of text are highlighted and then a context menu (right click) is used to transfer the text to the Entry details window.

Document source

The document can be copied from a word processor and pasted from the clipboard.

You can also open text (TXT) files directly into the display.

New question creation

The Entry details window can be used in the normal way to add filters and other entries and to change questions created from Questions from text.

New question entries are created whenever the question name or text is added using the context menu and one of the following is true:

The Entry details window is not showing a question entry

There is already text assigned to the name or text being copied in the Entry details window