STP file types

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STP file types

These are Command Language (CL) script files, sometimes referred to as set-up files.  There are a number of possible extensions which all start with .stp:

.stpx is used for the main (or only) CL script file containing the control stage

.stpxu is used for the main (or only) CL script file containing the control stage with UTF-8 encoding

.stpn is used for the main/only CL script file after any preprocessor commands have been expanded

.stp is used for preprocessor *INSERT files

.stpu is used for preprocessor *INSERT files with UTF-8 encoding

Older main CL script files use the .stp extension.


When Companion runs tables from a QTF file it generates internally the CL script which is then preprocessed if necessary, and the STPN file is produced and given to CL to produce the analysis.

Preprocessor commands can be incorporated into the analysis by adding CL scripts:

Tables stage. Used to create tables and to control the text used on tables.

Manip stage. Used to do arithmetic on already incremented tables.

IMPORTANT: there are some minor restrictions on the preprocessor commands compared to the full CL program, please see the preprocessor introduction for details.

Running an STP

With the appropriate licence a CL script can be run from the Analysis main window menu.


The project can be saved to an STPX script file.

The saved CL script can be used by QPSMR CL or MRDCL to access raw data files from the project.

The generated script will contain all the relevant information from the project including filters and generated variables.

See Project export for more details.