Weight targets window

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Weight targets window

From the Weight data window menu [Targets] [Targets set] is used to select entries and set targets for them.

This window is used to select entries to be used for the weighting targets.  The list of entries chosen is shown along with any targets set for them.

Any number of entries can be chosen and they can be:

All respondents - this is always the first item on the list

Filters - will have two targets, one for those that pass the filter and one for those that do not

Single-coded entries - one target for each response plus two for the base if any (applied filters)

Multi-coded entries - one target for each response plus two for the base if any (applied filters)

Quantity entries (integer or float) - one target for accumulated total plus two for the base if any (applied filters), the weighting applied is simple grossing up or down only; the weights applied are not dependent on the value in individual records

Once the entries have been chosen they can be highlighted on the list and targets set for them.  You can select a number of items at once and set targets for all of them at the same time.

You can select a number of items and paste the targets for them from the clipboard.  These will usually have been copied from a spreadsheet program.  A matrix of figures (multiple rows and columns) can be used for this purpose.

Underneath the list is shown three figures for the selected items:

Number of items selected

Total of any target values assigned to these items

Total of any target percentages assigned to these items

You should check the total of the targets set for all the responses to each entry.  For single-coded entries this should usually be 100%, for multi-coded it will usually be more than 100%.

Where targets are a matrix of figures you may need to create a matrix variable using [Responses] [Add response matrix] from the Entry details menu from the Entry details for variables window.

Targets set here can be saved to a weighting file from the Weight data window.

IMPORTANT: individual records will be in a number of target settings.  The priority used for individual records is in the order below under "target types".

Target types

There are a number of settings possible for each item on the list:


This item has no target and will be completely ignored when the weights are calculated.  Weight statistics including the ESS will be shown for ignored items and the data for them will be shown in the data grid in the Weight data window.

Ignore does not mean that these records will be ignored.  It means that this item will not be referred to when calculating weights.  Records will be used in the weighting calculations if they are included in other targets.

Keep existing weights

The weights for all records in this item will be left unchanged

Zero weights

The weights for all records in this item will be set to zero.  These records will be excluded from any reports.

Fixed weights

All these records will be given the specified fixed weight.


These items will be used in the weighting calculations.  The targets set for each item can be:

Value - the weighted total required

Percentage, choose from:

oThe weighted percentage of the total records

oThe weighted percentage of the base for this entry

As unweighted - the weighted total should be the same as the unweighted total

For quantities the target is the accumulated total required.  For filtered quantity entries only records that pass the filter are looked at.  Negative values should not be used.

You can choose "Maximum efficiency" for a limited number of items.  If chosen then any relevant records will be given the desired weight first and the weights will not be changed afterwards for other targets.  This should only be used for critical records where the efficiency should be kept to a maximum.

You can also set an efficiency priority.  The default value is usually 1.0.  Higher values will cause this item to get more priority when calculating weights to improve the efficiency for these records.

TIP: the default first target (all records as unweighted) is given a priority of 3.0.  If keeping the unweighted total the same is very important you may want to increase this priority to 10.0 or more.