Entry details menu

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Entry details menu

This is the menu for the Entry details window.


This is used to leave the current entry and move to another entry.

There are two lists of entries; the full list of entries, as shown on the Main window, and the list of entries that were selected when entry update was requested.  New entries are added to the update list.

ListLeft Previous entry on update list

Move to the requested entry.

ListRight Next entry on update list

Move to the requested entry.

ListUp Entry before this one on the full list

Move to the requested entry.

ListDown Entry after this one on the full list

Move to the requested entry.

Close this window



This is used to change the entry shown.

EditUndo Undo changes to this entry

This returns the entry to the state it was in before the previous change, you can repeatedly undo changes.

You will be warned if the undo predates when this update was started.  You cannot undo changes that were made before the whole project was last saved, although the previous version of the file will be preserved in the Archive sub-folder.

EditRedo Redo changes to this entry

This returns the entry back to the state it was in before the previous undo, you can repeatedly redo changes.

24ProjectScan Check this entry for errors

This checks the entry for any problems that would arise if the entry is saved.


This is used to insert new entries into the project.

EntryQuestion Question entry

Insert a new question entry after the entry shown.

EntryFilter Filter entry

Insert a new filter entry.  The new filter will be put in the appropriate place after the last entry referred to in the logic definition.

EntryVariable Variable entry

Insert a new variable entry after the entry shown.

Use text to create questions

This opens the Questions from text to use a document to create question entries in this project.

DuplicateEntry Duplicate this entry

This makes a duplicate copy of the current entry.  The ending of the name in the copy is changed; the rest is an exact copy.

The copy is placed immediately following the original and the Entry details window shows the new copy.

Make a variable from this entry

A variable copy is made of the current entry.  The variable refers to the current entry in the definitions.

The variable is placed immediately following the current entry and the Entry details window shows the new variable.

The type of variable created will depend on the type of the current entry.

Count responses to a variable

You must be looking at a multi-coded question or variable.

An integer variable is made that will hold the number of responses selected in the current entry.

The variable is placed immediately following the current entry and the Entry details window shows the new variable.

Score value to a variable

You must be looking at a single-coded (or multi-coded) question or variable that has score values assigned to one or more responses.

A float variable is made that will hold the score value from the selected response in the current entry.

The variable is placed immediately following the current entry and the Entry details window shows the new variable.


This gives access to the applied filters tab for questions and variables.

There is also a toolbar on the applied filters tab for questions and variables.

Applied filters tab view

Switch to the applied filters tab.

Apply a question filter

Apply a filter to the whole entry with Entry choose.

Apply a negative question filter

Apply a negative (NOT) filter to the whole entry with Entry choose.

Apply a response restrictor

For questions only, apply a response restrictor from another entry with Entry choose.

Apply a negative response restrictor

For questions only, apply a negative response restrictor from another entry with Entry choose.

Select all applied filters

Select all the applied filters.

Cut selected applied filters

Cut selected applied filters to clipboard.

Copy selected applied filters

Copy selected applied filters to clipboard.

Paste applied filters

Paste applied filters from clipboard.


This gives access to the applied responses tab for questions and variables.

There is also a toolbar on the responses tab for questions and variables.

Responses tab view

Switch to the responses tab.

Add block of responses

For questions only, add responses after the response with focus with Responses add.

For variables only, add responses after the response with focus with Variable responses add.

Add response matrix

For variables only, add responses after the response with focus with the Variable responses matrix.

Insert response

Insert a new response after the response with focus.

Insert response before

Insert a new response before the response with focus.

Reserve responses

For questions only, add open-ended responses to the end of the response list with Responses reserve.

Reverse responses

For variables only, reverse the selected responses.

Select all responses

Select all the responses.

Cut selected responses

Cut selected items to clipboard.

Copy selected responses

Copy selected items to clipboard.

Paste responses

Paste responses from clipboard after the response with focus.  If question responses are pasted into a variable then the definitions are created.

Replace texts for responses

Using only the texts from responses copied to the clipboard, replace the texts of the selected items.  If no responses are selected then all the response texts are replaced.  The responses are unchanged except for the response texts.

Move selected responses up

In variables only, all responses selected in the list will be moved up one place.

Move selected responses down

In variables only, all responses selected in the list will be moved down one place.

First response

Select the first response in the response list.

Previous response

Select the response above the currently selected response.

Next response

Select the response below the currently selected response.

Last response

Select the last response in the response list.

Zero key for first response

This setting (toggle) causes the response key numbers to start at zero instead of one.  For example a question with 99 responses will have the first response key as 00 instead of 01.

IMPORTANT: this only affects data entry.  The first response will still be referred to as /1 in any definition.


This is used to open the tool windows to put settings on responses.

32ToolMakeGrid Make a grid from this question

This is used to open the Make grid tool window to create a Grid question set and a Grid variable pair.

32ToolScoreValues Score values setting show

This will cause the Score values tool window to appear so that score values can be added or changed for the entry being viewed.

ToolInput Response input settings show

This will cause the Response input settings tool window to appear so that input settings can be put on any selected responses in questions and variables.

ToolAnalysis Response analysis settings show

This will cause the Response analysis settings tool window to appear so that report settings can be put on any selected responses in questions and variables.