Input FTP sites (Android version)

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Input FTP sites (Android version)


When entering data using the Android Input version, Input files are downloaded from one FTP site, and records are uploaded to a different FTP site.

The FTP sites can use either SFTP (secure FTP) or FTPS protocols.

The input distribution site should only contain qpsmrinp files. This FTP site details will need to be set on the individual Android devices.

The data file transferring site will contain the collected data which is uploaded whenever the interviewer selects "no more interviews".  Companion retrieves and merges the data files from this site using the [Answers] menu.

The details for both sites are set in Project global settings.  The FTP settings are:


URL address (IPv4 or text)

User name


The details are encrypted in the project file for security.

The file names uploaded will include the Study/Campaign name which must also be set in Project Global.

The program prevents duplicate records being included by checking the session ZZZ variables.

To safely use the upload/download facility you must include the following in the project file:

Both FTP site details

A unique study name


For security reasons the data transferring FTP site should not be the same as the one used to transfer Input files (.qpsmrinp) for interviewing data entry.

The records are downloaded for analysis using the main menu [Answers] menu:

[Download all data for study]

[Download new data for study]

When either of these is selected any data files for the study named in the project not previously downloaded will be copied from the FTP site to a sub-folder called Download_study.  This folder will therefore then contain all the data files currently available for the study.  You should not delete files in this sub-folder until the project is finished.

An Excel report is produced with details of files downloaded and the number of records included.

Files downloaded on this occasion are listed in the sub-folder in a file called downloaded_date_time

If the first option is used then all the files from the sub-folder are combined into a new CSV data file named study_downloaded.csv.

If the second option is used the user will be asked to select a data file with previously downloaded data in it.  Only files downloaded on this occasion will be added to the selected file.  Using the second option means that previously downloaded data can be edited and changed when new data is added.