Make input file

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Make input file

From the main window menu use [Answers] [Make input file].

IMPORTANT: If you need more than one user to access a data file at the same time this can only be done using an Input file.

The Input file (qpsmrinp) is opened by users of Companion Input (Windows or Android) and can also be used by the main QPSMR Companion software.

The Windows Input software can input, update, verify, change serial, and delete records.

The Android Input software can only input data.

Important: The project must use serial numbers.  In CSV data the first column must be headed "serial". In fixed format the location and width for the serial must be set in Project global settings, [Data] tab.

The following can be set:

Open existing QIF file

This is used to open a previously created Input file so that any changes can be made.

Location of data file

This tells the Input program which data file to use:

Use central data file. The location of the data file to be used is set using the [Central data file] button.  All users will access the file using the same full path.

Use local data file. A file will be used in the same folder as the Input file. This file will have a name of study_user where study is the study text set in Project global settings and user is the login name of the interviewer.  Each user will therefore be working in a separate file.

Immediate FTP upload (+Android). This is only used for inputting data and every session will create a new data file with a unique name.

IMPORTANT: Before creating an input file for the Android input program you must set in Project global settings the Study name and the FTP details in the "FTP" tab. One FTP site is used to distribute the input file to the users. The Android input program will need the details of this site. The other FTP site is used to transfer collected data from the Android device to the project folder.  The sites can use SFTP or FTPS.

Type of data file

These types of data file can be used:

Comma separated value (csv). This is the default type of data file used by Companion, except for CATI projects.  These data files tend to be much smaller than fixed format files and contain any verbatim question data.  These files can also be used with spreadsheet programs.  The input software will always use Unicode UTF-8 encoded (with BOM) files and use comma to separate columns.

Fixed format (uni). This has often come from other software. This is a Unicode UTF-8 encoded (with BOM) file where questions are allocated to specific locations in the record.

Fixed format (asc). This is used by CATI.  It can only contain text in one non-European language.

The fixed format data can only be used with projects without verbatim questions.

Data file name

For central files use the button to select the file or to create a new data file.

Other files will be named by Companion Input.

When Input is started the file will be created if it does not exist.

Note that the Input software will also create and use an index file with the same name as the data file with "_index" added to the extension.  No data is stored in this file and it can be removed when not in use.

Type of Input

There are two types:

Paper input.  The questions and responses are presented in the order they appear in the project.

CAPI Input. The questions and responses will appear in random order if this has been requested, see Randomise questions and responses.

For CATI input see Make QIF dialog

You can choose to let the interviewer change the type.

Allow these actions

Here you choose the actions that someone using the Input file can do in the data file:

Test questionnaire. Go through the interview but do not save any data.

Input new records.  Add records to the data file. New records are added to the end of the data file.

Verify records. Input records a second time and compare with the original data entered. If there is a discrepancy the user is asked which is correct.

Update records. Change the contents of records already in the data file.

Change serial numbers. Allow a serial number of an existing record to be altered.

Delete records. Remove an existing record from the data file.

NOTE: that all these actions apart from Test choose records by their serial number, not their location in the file.

NOTE: that if verify/update/change serial cause a record to get longer, it will be moved to the end of the data file and a blank line is put where the record was before.

Set visuals

Use the button to choose the default visual settings, and choose which ones the user can change via Input options.

The display following the button shows Uppercase for settings chosen, lower case for those not chosen. If the user can alter an option it is followed by a question mark.

Q or q. Show a list of questions. Normally used for paper projects and updating records.

K or k. Show response keys. Means that the keyboard can be used to enter records, as well as the mouse.

H or h. Show hold filters even if they are not true. Used for testing.

F or f.  Show filters. Used for testing.

V or v. Show variables. Used for testing.

Z or z. Show ZZZ entries. Used for testing.

Range of serial numbers to use

This sets the range of serial numbers that the user can input or change. The user can select a narrower range provided it lies within the range set.

This range should be set in Project global settings, [Input] tab, [Reserve serial number ranges] although fewer numbers may be allocated to particular users if necessary.

Extra serial numbers to allocate

This sets a range of numbers that can be used if an unnumbered or duplicate serial number document is found. Users should note the allocated number on the paper document.

This range should be set in Project global settings, [Input] tab, [Reserve serial number ranges] although fewer numbers may be allocated to particular users if necessary.

User data access

Normally the records that a user can verify or change/delete are restricted.  Here you can choose to:

Allow changes to another user's records.  If not set, then a user can only change records that they have input themselves.

Allow verify of their own records. If not set, then a user cannot verify records that they have input themselves.

IMPORTANT: These settings rely on the ZZZUNA entries. to determine who entered the record.


If you have opened an input file then [Save] will replace it.

[Save as]  will allow you to choose a name and place for the Input file.

You can set [Keep open after saving] to prevent this closing when you save.  You may want to do this if you want to send users their own copy, for example to set a particular range of serial numbers.